The Newsletter Pro August 2018

face of many long-held beliefs in the business community. One concept the book hammers home is the mentality of the “20-mile march,” which draws on the historic journey to the South Pole led by Roald Amundsen in 1911. Amundsen’s trek had its fair share of blizzards, but he held his men to an average of 15 miles per day. But the fact that this 20th-century explorer pushed his men to success through suboptimal conditions is only half of Collins’ point. You see, Amundsen’s approach also applied to fair weather, stopping his men after 20 miles despite conditions that would allow them to go much farther. It’s this restraint that characterizes the true character of a 10X leader, according to Collins. It isn’t enough to push your company toward success when the market is bad. You also have to take care not to outgrow your resources when the economy is remarkably good. Companies that don’t show restraint in the face of luck can quickly find themselves out in the cold. STEP 1: Write down the top 7–10 questions you get from prospects before they buy. STEP 2: Write down the top 7–10 questions prospects should ask before they buy but typically don’t. STEP 3: Write 1–3 bullet points that will help you easily answer those questions. STEP 4: Grab your phone and record the questions and your answers to the questions. Use the bullet points to remember what you wanted to say when answering those questions. STEP 5: Go to or a similar service and have the recording transcribed. STEP 6: DON’T READ THE TRANSCRIPTION! Send it to someone else on to be edited into a story. STEP 7: Read the edits and add or subtract as you see fit. Make sure you add clear next steps and calls to action where they are needed. STEP 8: Have the document edited one more time.

STEP 9: Give this lead magnet a name. STEP 10: Have a designer create a cover and layout, and format the document so it can be emailed and printed as needed.

safety, and wealth entitlement.” Faced with a world of government deficits, a crashing bull market, and a global war on terrorism, Collins and his team began asking a new question: How do some companies manage to survive and thrive despite chaos? After nine painstaking years of research, he published the answer. “Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck — Why Some Thrive Despite Them All” is Collins at his absolute best. Methodical in approach and compelling in delivery, this New York Times best-seller examines companies that rose far and ahead of their competitors despite facing challenges beyond their control. Collins refers to these stalwart companies as “10Xers,” because each one of these companies’ stock market values is at least 10 times their industry average. And yes, every 10Xer overcame a significant amount of chaos and vulnerability. With clearly defined parameters, “Great By Choice” breaks down nearly a decade of research into grounded claims that fly in the Have you ever struggled to create a lead magnet? I know I used to all the time. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be hard. Everyone wants the perfect lead magnet, but any lead magnet is far better than no lead magnet at all. A lead magnet is anything of value provided for free or at a very low cost that allows a prospect to engage with your company before they buy. An example of one of our lead magnets is my book on newsletter marketing that we send out in that big orange envelope. Too many of us ask prospects to take a leap of faith by going straight for the sale instead of offering something of value first in exchange for the prospect’s information. With their information, we can educate and follow up when they’re not 100 percent ready to pull the trigger and buy now. Now that we’re all on the same page about what a lead magnet is and how we use it, I’ll share with you an easy way to create a killer lead magnet.

That’s it.

Once you have your lead magnet, you can use it to educate customers in office and via your website. You can drive traffic to it from AdWords, Facebook, your newsletter, direct mail, and a variety of other sources. When you get the leads, follow up with them via online and offline marketing. In no time, you’ll see more sales rolling in. –Shaun

Have You Heard the Good News?

James 1:17 — ”Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Matthew 11:28–30 — ”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Philippians 4:6–7 — ”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus ... the God of peace will be with you.”




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