

Rockland Ford earns cancer fundraising honours shirt was written, ‘To my mommy. R.I.P.’”

the Cure,” said Melissa Wood, national pu- blic relations liaison for the foundation. “It was one of the top three teams with more than $15,000.” Sylvain Dupuis, Rockland Ford president, reported the company’s efforts proved even more successful than anticipated. “We won the award for top corporate spi- rit award,” he said during a Monday phone interview. Rockland Ford raised $15,215 for the CIBC Run for the Cure this year, most of the money coming from the company’s annual Ford Classic Poker Run during the annual Ottawa River Festival this past summer.

Rockland Ford also field a team of 10 for the CIBC Run for the Cure in Ottawa over the Oct. 4 weekend. Dupuis himself completed the five-kilo- metre walk portion of the run. Along the route, Dupuis noted a little six-year-old child walking ahead.“On the back of her

Dupuis also has personal reasons for ta- king part in the event. He walks for family and friends diagnosed with breast cancer or one of the other cancers. “I’ve been doing this for the last 10 or 12 years now,” he said. “It’s a good thing.”


ROCKLAND | Staff and friends of Rockland Ford had reason to smile after the first weekend of October. The local car dealership received the highest tribute possible from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Ottawa branch for its efforts to raise money for breast can- cer research. “Rockland Ford has done an amazing job of raising funds for this year’s CIBC Run for

Rockland Ford cancer walkers Yvon and Thérèse Brochu (above) joined hundreds of others in Ottawa for the annual CIBC Run for the Cure.








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