Thailand HR Strategy Playbook

As-is Maturity vs. To-be Importance

Based on answer of 139 Organizations participating in Thailand HR Strategy & Transformation Conference

Ranked by 139 participants

Maturity of as-is HR processes Ranked by 139 participants

Recommended by TAS Importance of HR processes for strategic realization

Importance of HR processes for strategic realization

1 Compensation & benefits

1 Strategic Workforce Planning

1 Employee relations

2 Culture and engagement

2 Performance Management

2 Compensation & benefits

3 Employee relations

3 Culture and engagement

3 Capability Building

4 Leadership Development

4 Leadership Development

4 Leadership Development

5 Capability Building

5 Performance Management

5 Change Management

6 Performance Management

6 Recruitment & Selection

6 Capability Building

7 New Comers Time to Productivity

7 Organization architecture

7 Succession Planning

8 New Comers Time to Productivity

8 Succession Planning

8 Organization architecture

9 Culture and engagement

9 Organization architecture

9 Recruitment & Selection

10 Recruitment & Selection

10 New Comers Time to Productivity

10 Change Management

11 Compensation & benefits

11 Change Management

11 Succession Planning

12 Employee relations

12 Strategic Workforce Planning

12 Strategic Workforce Planning

Ranked from highly to moderately importance

Ranked from most to less mature

Ranked from highly to moderately importance

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