

Champlain to Hawkesbury: “You’re wasting time” RICHARD MAHONEY ing to Champlain council members and consultants. “Hawkesbury is telling us what we already know,” stated Barton. Despite their exasperation with their neighbours to the north, given the cost of striking out on their own, Champlain mem- bers agreed to continue pursuing an inter- municipal rapprochement. Barton and Thériault will attempt to ar- range another meeting with Carrier and Mayor René Berthiaume.

“They don’t know what we want,” said Champlain administrator Jean Thériault. “It is pretty simple. We want water. Tell us what you want in return,” said Barton. While Thériault said Hawkesbury must first know what specific needs must be met on the 17, Councillor Paul Emile Duval com- mented, “We are going nowhere with that.” He suggested Champlain prepare a water- works plan of its own to service its section of County Road 17. That initiative would cost more than $100,000, cautioned Théri- ault. MacLeod reiterated her frustration. “This is a complete waste of time. In November, we all agreed that we had to work together. They are spinning their wheels.” Some of the information contained in the town’s document is inaccurate, say the On- tario Clean Water Agency and the consult- ing engineering firm, Genivar. The town also refers to the current sys- tems that are in place to provide services to its neighbours. The request for services “should not trig- ger reopening or the renegotiation of the existing agreements for the provision of water or sewage treatment to others parts of the township,”writes Marco Vincelli, man- ager of infrastructure planning with Geni- var.

PLEASANT CORNER | Efforts to hammer out a Hawkesbury-Champlain service- sharing deal, believed to be vital to the region’s prosperity, have hit a snag. “They’re wasting our time,” declared Champlain Councillor Helen MacLeod at the last township council meeting. “There is no proposal in what they sent us,” added Mayor Gary Barton. The members were condemning a propo- sition from Hawkesbury chief administra- tor Jean-Yves Carrier, who conceded at the outset of his submission that the nine-page document contained no specific figures. When the two councils met in the fall, they agreed the neighbours had to work to- gether if the region is to prosper. The idea is to extend Hawkesbury’s wa- ter and sewage services to private land in Champlain. Lots located south of County Road 17 and east of Tupper Street are con- sidered prime spots for future industrial and commercial development. The consensus at the autumn get-togeth- er was that Hawkesbury was to present a detailed proposal to Champlain by the end of the year so an agreement could be signed in early 2013. But the town’s proposal contains super- fluous and erroneous information, accord-

Cleaning up The Nation

The one restriction on Spring Cleaning Week in The Nation is that no household hazardous wastes like used paint and paint cans, motor oil and containers, pesticides and their containers, and the like are al- lowed. Those items should be saved for the Household Hazardous Collection Recycling Fair planned for the fall. Des relocalisations en perspective GRENVILLE | Des relocalisations pour- raient être en vue pour les services mu- nicipaux du village de Grenville. Lors d’une rencontre de travail du con- seil municipal, il a été convenu d’évaluer les coûts pour la construction d’un nou- veau garage municipal, de relocaliser la caserne de pompiers au garage municipal existant et d’évaluer la possibilité d’installer la Maison des Jeunes dans la caserne ac- tuelle. La municipalité a des surplus en réserve d’environ 200 000$ du règlement de l’assainissement des eaux usées et d’environ 150 000$ du règlement de l’eau potable. Le conseil a nommé un comité afin de définir les dimensions requises pour le nouveau garage municipal.

CASSELMAN | Even with the snow still on the ground, many folks have spring cleaning on their minds. The Nation council has agreed to set the week of April 29 to May 3 as Spring Clean- ing Week for the municipality’s garbage collection service. Residents will be able to set on the roadside or curbside by their driveway en- trances almost any unwanted items from their homes and yards that they want to throw away. These items will be available for pickup by the municipality for disposal at the landfill or through any applicable re- cycling programs. The items are also avail- able for anyone driving by to salvage for their own purposes. Details on what types of items are eli- gible for the Spring Cleaning Week collec- tion program are available from the mu- nicipal office by phone to 613-764-5444 or toll-free 1-800-475-2855, or email the chief administrator at mmccuaig@nation-, or consult the municipal website at prior to April 29. GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA

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