
Mission Statement

The Mission Statement is more about us and what we do. Calling out a Vision of how you would like to change the world leaves open a range of options for how to achieve that change. The Mission states more specifically what we will do to accomplish our Vision, the work we do in order to accomplish the change in the world called for by our Vision. The Vision Statement describes a broad vista. The Mission Statement starts to define a path to that vista. Following our sample Vision statement, different organi- zations could choose different paths towards that vision. Here are three sample Mission statements, each of which follows or is directed towards the Vision statement, but in very different ways. “Building the physical infrastructure to serve those who serve orphaned children.” In the first Mission statement, the Organization exists to connect orphans to adoptive families. An organization could accomplish the Vision following that path. Even here the Mission statement leave room for choice: the group could ac- complish this Mission either by directly connecting orphans to adoptive families or by facilitating such connections made by other organizations. The second Mission Statement takes a different path, working to provide orphans with all the resources they need, which could include connecting to adoptive families but could also include much else. A different Statement, which calls for “Making sure every orphaned child has an adoptive family.” “Making sure every Organization that serves orphans has all the resources they need.”


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