

Council reviews new parks and rec master plan


Township council has its “summer reading” assignment now. JonathanHack of the Sierra Planning and Management consultant firm presented council with a summary of the 120-plus- page Russell Township Parks and Recreation Master Plan. During his half-hour presentation at the June 1 council session, Hack explained that what council members have in their hands is not just a revision of the oldmaster plan but a whole new one to help guide present and future parks and recreation maintenance and development. “It’s part of a wider master plan process that the township have been undergoing,” Hack said. “It’s a new master plan, not an update. It carries on from the successes of the township to date.” The document is the result of a consul- tation process that began with an online survey of residents, followed by focus-group workshops and other methods of gathering feedback. Hack noted that the parks and recreation master plan is not meant to be a hard-and- fast blueprint of what the townshipmust do

for local recreational needs but a detailed set of guidelines, including new vision and mission statements, to help council and administration with decisions that reflect both what residents of Russell Township want for their parks and recreation facilities and what the municipality can also afford. “This plan is about listening to needs,” Hack said. “Investment must be strategic. Investment must be also be prudent and where necessary.” The master plan outlines existing parks and recreation infrastructure and program- ming and provides suggestions for the town- ship to pursue in developing partnerships that will help strengthen existing services. In the end, Hack noted, the parks and recreation master plan’s first priority is to provide for the needs of children and fami- lies in Russell Township. Council approved acceptance of the parks and recreationmaster plan report for further review and study. The report is included in the June 1 council agenda package which is available for public reading online through the Russell Township website.

Consultant JonathanHack highlights some of the key points to council of its new parks and recreation master plan.

Fermeture temporaire du chemin Ste-Marie Le chemin Ste-Marie, à Embrun, au croisement du chemin St-Moritz, sera fermé à partir du lundi 1 er juin, et ce, jusqu’au 11 juin inclusivement. Il rouvrira le 12 juin. Une voie de contournement sera mise en place, via les rues St-Jacques et St-André. Cette fermeture temporaire est nécessaire afin de faciliter l’installation d’un nouvel égout sanitaire et le raccordement à la station de pompage existante. – Annie Lafortune

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