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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
COVID-19 may have closed the schools, playgrounds, and other places where children play in Rockland but some kids and their parents have found a colourful way to have and also cheer up their neighbours. The Chalk the Walk movement is making its mark in Rockland as children and their parents take to the streets in their neighbou- rhoods to scribble colourful hearts, flowers, and other images on the concrete sidewalks PSPOUIFFYQPTFEBTQIBMUPGTPNFTUSFFUT where there is no traffic around. They also write inspiring messages with the goal of putting a smile on the faces of their neigh- bours and passersby and lifting their spirits during the pandemic. “I was inspired by this idea,” said Sonia Baruzzo, one of the parents involved in the local project, “and wanted to spread the joy PONZTUSFFUBTXFMM:PVDBOTFFBMPUPG links about it (Chalk the Walk) online.” Baruzzo found one of the websites that FYQMBJOFEUIF$IBMLUIF8BMLTNPWFNFOU The Joy Team, which began the project
In Rockland some children and their parents are doing something to brighten up the mood in their neighbourhoods while the COVID-19 pandemic keeps schools, playgrounds and other places closed. They are writing cheerful and inspirational messages in brightly coloured chalk on sidewalks and streets to help put a smile on faces. The Chalk the Walk movement is an international project to try to instill some optimism in communities, when residents are facing difficult situations and more information is available at https://chalkthewalks. com. —supplied photo
a part of my homeschooling activity that day.” 0UIFSGBNJMJFTJOUIF.PSSJT7JMMBHFSFTJ - dential area of Rockland have also taken to the streets to chalk their walks. Some people have turned the front windows of their homes into colourful artworks with inspirational designs painted on the glass.
several years ago, has information and advice on how to be a creative and res- ponsible Walk Chalker on its website at https://chalkthewalks.com/. “It was especially important to teach my kids how art can spread joy and love to people around us,” said Baruzzo. “I made it
Les arbres devant la maison de retraite Caressant Care au Bourget sont en fleurs grâce aux ballons de Murielle Giroux. Elle a voulu que les résidents de la maison de retraite, qui sont confinés, aient quelque chose de joyeux à regarder lorsqu’ils regardent dehors. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
Les arbres qui bordent une partie de la rue Laval au Bourget sont ornés de fleurs printanières bien spéciales pour égayer les personnes âgées confinées chez elles. «Je voulais juste faire quelque chose pour rendre les choses un peu plus KPZFVTFTv BEÊDMBSÊ.VSJFMMF(JSPVY FO attachant un autre gros ballon coloré au tronc épais d’un des arbres qui poussent devant la maison de retraite Caressant Care, rue Laval à Bourget. Tous les résidents âgés de la maison de soins sont confinés à la maison pour
leur propre protection dans le cadre des ordonnances provinciales d’urgence sani- taire pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Comme ils ne peuvent pas sortir, s’ils veulent faire des promenades ou profiter EFMBJSEVQSJOUFNQT .NF(JSPVYBEÊDJEÊ EFMFVSPGGSJSRVFMRVFDIPTFEFKPZFVYÆ voir lorsqu’ils regardent par la fenêtre. Avec quelques heures de travail, un gros paquet de ballons gonflables et un QFVEFSVCBO .NF(JSPVYBGBJUFOTPSUF que chacun des grands arbres le long du trottoir devant la maison de retraite «fleurisse» pour la saison printanière.
Several homeowners in Rockland have turned the front windows of their houses into mini- art displays to help provide some cheer to neighbours and passersby in their areas during the pandemic. It’s all part of the Chalk the Walk movement, with more information on the project available at https://chalkthewalks.com. —supplied photo
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