Dr. Roumeliotis noted that the latest in- crease in COVID-19 cases is not unexpected. The EOHU has “hundreds of test results” waiting analysis from its testing centres throughout the region, and more cases may be confirmed as some residents arrive home from their travels abroad. Dr. Roumeliotis emphasized that anyone now returning to Eastern Ontario from trips outside of Canada must go into mandatory 14-day self-isolation under the Quarantine Act. The mandatory quarantine applies whether a person shows COVID-19 symp- toms or not. The EOHU urges residents to stay at home if possible and avoid unnecessary travel. Anyone in quarantine should get help from family, friends, their municipality, or social agencies for the necessary groceries, medications, and other supplies needed so they can stay at home without putting anyone else at risk until their mandatory quarantine ends. Anyone who thinks they might have COVID-19 symptoms should first use the Ontario Self-Assessment Tool through the provincial government website to check if they might have the virus. Then call Tele- Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or their family doctor for further advice, or call the EOHU help line at 1-800-267-7120, The EOHU website at has information on prevention, testing centres, and other advice.
Five more cases of COVID-19 were con- firmed in the Prescott-Russell area over the last weekend of March. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) issued a statement March 28 confirming five more cases of COVID-19, bringing the total for the Eastern Ontario region to nine. All cases so far involve people from the Prescott- Russell area but residents elsewhere in the region should continue to practice pandemic precautions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading. “We know that there is community spread of COVID-19 elsewhere in Ontario and Canada,” stated Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, EOHU chief medical health officer, “and we believe that our area is no exception. I want to make it clear that while the new cases are in the Prescott-Russell area, residents in the rest of the region should not feel that their risk is lower. We strongly urge everyone to continue staying at home as much as possible, and practise physical distancing to reduce the threat of spread.” The latest confirmed COVID-19 cases include four people with no travel history, which EOHU officials indicate means they may have contracted the disease in their own communities. One of the five is now at the Cornwall Community Hospital’s intensive care unit. Banques alimentaires Canada lancent un appel pour soutenir les organismes du pays qui souffrent d’une baisse conséquente de dons et des denrées alimentaires. L’organisme de bienfaisance nationale lance un appel urgent pour aider les banques alimentaires dans le pays qui ont un besoin criant de soutien dans cette période de crise attribuable à la COVID-19. C’est dans un communiqué reçu aujourd’hui, que l’organisme tire la son- nette d’alarme. En effet, certaines banques alimentaires reçoivent jusqu’à 50% moins de dons qu’à l’habitude et se retrouvent avec des réserves pour seulement deux semaines. j/PTGBNJMMFT OPTDPNNVOBVUÊTFUOPUSF pays traversent une période sans précédent et nous devons les soutenir», peut-on lire sur le communiqué de presse. L’organisme lance un appel à la généro- sité des donateurs pour que les organismes communautaires puissent continuer à servir les familles dans le besoin, malgré la crise. Ces dons aideront les banques alimentaires locales à obtenir les ressources dont elles ont besoin pour adapter leurs processus de livraison aux familles compte tenu de l’éloi- gnement social, gérer la demande malgré une diminution des bénévoles, acheter des aliments de base nécessaires et aider les clients en quarantaine en leur fournissant une aide alimentaire essentielle à domicile. Cependant, l’organisme encourage tous AYOUB JLILA
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) confirmed five more cases of COVID-19 in the region, bringing the total now to nine. All of the cases involve people from the Prescott- Russell area but EOHU officials warn that residents in other parts of the Eastern Ontario region should not assume there is less risk for them of getting the disease. Everyone is urged to continue practising good hygiene, with frequent hand-washing, and staying at home if possible to help combat the pandemic. —supplied photo
Appel aux dons pour soutenir les banques alimentaires du pays qui souffrent d’un manque criant dans les moyens et les denrées. —photo fournie les dons, peu importe le montant, et cela pour atteindre l’objectif d’amasser 150 millions de dollars en cette période. L‘organisme explique que les dons sont récoltés sur son site Banques alimentaires Canada soutient 620 banques alimentaires et plus de 2500 programmes communautaires partout au pays.
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