

Team Cornwall planning annual meeting FRANCIS RACINE

C ORNWALL | In what has become a Corn- wall tradition for the past 15 years, Team Cornwall will host its popular Year in Re- view meeting on December 17. The meet- ing annually attracts well over 300 attend- ees who are eager to hear a recap of the “It is an interesting exercise to review the investments and accomplishments that have taken place in Cornwall over the past 12 months,” year’s economic activity, compiled by the City’s Economic Development Depart- ment. The meeting will be held in the larg- est theatre at Galaxy Cinemas on Second Street. Doors will open at 7 a.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m. sharp. “It is an interesting exercise to review the investments and accomplishments that have taken place in Cornwall over the past 12 months,” said Mark Boileau, manager of Cornwall Economic Development. “In our busy lives, it is easy to sometimes overlook new development that may be occurring right down the street. Many people really enjoy being able to see all of the major sto-

Mark Boileau and Peter Gault

ries summarized in one presentation.” The meeting always attracts a full house of community and business leaders, and Team Cornwall Chair, Peter Gault, is expect- ed to welcome a number of out-of-town guests as well.

“Cornwall sits strategically within Central Canada between some of North America’s most in%uential urban centres,” said Gault. “Our success as a community is being no-

ticed in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal boardrooms, and we have invited some key guests to join us on December 17.”

Community program is back Shoeless Joe’s Sports Grill’s sports-based and community-driven program“If Your TeamWins, Your Community Wins!” is back for yet another year. The competition, as part of the Home Team Advantage program, rewards local sports teams with points every time they eat at Shoeless Joe’s Sports Grill for a chance towin a "rst-place prize of $20,000 towards a community refresh project. The community who comes in second place will receive $10,000 and the third place community will win $5,000, courtesy of Shoeless Joe’s Sports Grill. “It’s great to see such enthusiasm from the communities involved in this program,” says Doug Gilmour, program ambassador and hockey legend. “With the standings being so close, it’s clear that the community spirit is alive and well. There’s still time for any of these communities to come out on top and it will be up to the local sports teams to continue with their support and head to their local Shoeless Joe’s in order to take home the prize.”The "nal winners and selected refresh projects of the Shoeless Joe’s Sports Grill If Your Team Wins, Your Community Wins! competition will be announced in January 2015, and one lucky team will win a private dinner with Doug Gilmour! Kevin Rivette l’échappe de peu La deuxième édition de Propulse ta voix s’est terminée le 16 novembre dernier avec les quarts de "nale, les demi-"nales et la grande "nale. C’est devant près d’une centaine de personnes, à toutes les représentations, que les 36 artistes, choisis lors des audi- tions à l’aveugle les 1 er et 2 novembre, sont montés sur scène au Camp Musical de Saint-Alexandre. Ces artistes, provenant de toutes les régions du Québec, du Nouveau- Brunswick et de l’Ontario, ont livré des prestations à en couper le sou&e. Après chacune des prestations, leur professeur commentait publiquement la prestation qu’il venait d’entendre d’un des membres de son équipe. Kevin Rivette, originaire de Cornwall et le seul participant de l’Ontario, a "nalement été éliminé, mais non sans avoir livré toute une prestation.

22 300 copies

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Thomas Stevens, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles / News: Classées • Classified : Distribution :

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