
30B — July 31 - August 13, 2015 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings

For utility companies Pepco & SMECO Energesco Solutions awarded two sustainability contracts M ARYLAND — En- ergesco Solutions LLC , a provider of

offered exclusively to multi- family properties in Mary- land seeking to implement energy efficiency and water conservation upgrades. Un- der this newly announced program, multifamily proper- ties will be eligible to receive enhanced rebates for energy efficiency projects, includ- ing apartment-level direct install measures, LED light upgrades, and HVAC en- hancements. “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract, which marks the third Pepco RFP that Energesco has won in as many years. The award is a testament to Energesco’s in-depth knowledge, capabili- ties and experience working with multifamily owners and operators to improve the energy efficiency of their as- sets while enhancing NOI,” said William Bennett , En- ergesco’s CEO. “As an ex- clusive subcontractor under the Commercial Multifamily Program, we look forward to continuing to serve the needs of multifamily clients throughout Pepco’s and SME-

CO’s Maryland territories.” The SMECO contract ex- tends to all multifamily own- ers and operators that the customer-owned electric co- operative serves in Prince George’s (southern), Charles, St. Mary’s and the major- ity of Calvert counties in Maryland. SMECO recently implemented a suite of Con- servation/Energy Efficiency programs, including building envelope enhancements, to provide its commercial cus- tomers with energy and cost savings opportunities. Energy costs represent the single largest controllable cost in a multifamily com- munity, typically accounting for 25- 35% of a property’s expenses. Prior to the launch of these programs, multifam- ily owners and operators were generally only eligible to receive energy efficiency rebates for upgrades to com- mon areas. Under the new programs, multifamily own- ers and operators are now eligible for energy efficiency rebates for upgrades through- out the entire complex. n

energy and water conservation measures to the commercial and multifamily real estate industry in the Mid-Atlantic region, announced its award of exclusive contracts by utility companies Pepco and SME- CO (Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative) to provide energy efficiency and water conservation improve- ments to multifamily proper- ties in Pepco’s and SMECO’s service areas throughout the state of Maryland. Both con- tracts were awarded under the Commercial Multifamily Program, a newly announced energy efficiency rebate pro- gram designed to support the EmPOWER Maryland initia- tive. The Pepco contract ex- tends to multifamily prop- erties throughout Pepco’s 566 square miles of service area in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland. The Commercial Multifamily Program, which launched in June 2015, is


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