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Protestors target Papanack Zoo... again


When the video was posted online, the OADL bumped up the schedule for a planned August protest to Saturday, with protestors gathered outside of the zoo, along to roadside, urging tourists to boycott the wsite. “We thought it was perfect timing to keep spreading the word,” said Michele Thorn, one of the protest organizers. Official confirmation of the video footage is not available yet as Papanack Zoo man- agement have not responded yet to media requests for comment.Thorn and other pro- testors dismiss the need for any comment or confirmation from the zoo about the video contents. “We saw the conditions ourselves from the roadside,” Thorn stated. “I know what I see, that’s proof tome. Hearing frompeople wasn’t enough.” The OADL and Animal Justice both want the zoo closed down. Papanack Zoo has come under fire in the past for the care and control of its exotic animal population. The Ontario SPCA stated that its staff are “aware of these animal cruelty allegations and are investigating.” Last year a lion that escaped from his enclosure at the zoo was shot and killed. Several years before one of the zoo’s white tigers dug its way to freedom after heavy rains had softened the ground at the foot of the wire enclosure of its cage. The tiger was found resting in the middle of County Road 19 not far from the zoo, recaptured

A video posted to the Internet froman ani- mal rights group pushed ahead plans for another protest gathering at the Papanack Zoo in Wendover. The Ottawa Animal Defense League (OADL) organizes regular protests outside of the zoo, which also functions as an ex- otic animals breeding station. The group advanced their latest planned protest to the August 12 weekend after Animal Justice, another animal rights group, posted a video on YouTube which it claims shows evidence of abuse towards some of the animals kept at Papanack Zoo. “We think it’s important for people to know the truth about what happens in zoos,” said Camille Labchuk, a lawyer and the ex- ecutive director for Animal Justice (AJ). Labchuk told media that the video was taken over a two-month period and the group alleges that a former employee of the zoo shot the footage. Labchuk stated that Papanack Zoo is confirmed as the location for the undercover video because of footage showing the facility’s owners and parts of its interior. The group claims the footage shows zoo workers allegedly using violence to con- trol sheep, separating a cougar cub from its mother, forcing raccoons to bare their teeth for a photo shoot, and discussion among staff about hitting a lion.

Le Zoo Papanack deWendover, est à nouveau la cible de groupes de défense des droits des animaux qui tentent de fermer les installations. La fin de semaine du 12 août, des manifestants incitaient les visiteurs à boycotter l’attrait touristique suite à la publication sur Internet, par un groupe de défense des droits des animaux, d’une vidéo montrant ce qu’ils prétendent être une preuve demaltraitance des animaux dans l’établissement Zoo Papanack de Wendover, est à nouveau la cible de groupes de défense des droits des animaux qui tentent de fermer les installations. La fin de semaine du 12 août, des manifestants incitaient les visiteurs à boycotter l’attrait touristique suite à la publication sur Internet, par un groupe de défense des droits des animaux, d’une vidéo montrant ce qu’ils prétendent être une preuve demaltraitance des animaux dans l’établissement

and returned to its enclosure. The owners of the zoo at that time then renovated the enclosures, extending their wire bases fur- ther below ground to prevent similar such escapes in future.

Labchuk noted that Ontario lacks the kind of regulations for public and private zoos that exist in other parts of Canada. “Anyone can open up a private zoo in this province without getting a licence,” she stated.

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