Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | May 13, 2021

Long Term Investments Proposal Form At the February 25 th Board of Trustee meeting, the Trustees directed staff to prepare a list of investments that would help position CWU for the post-COVID environment. The investments also should help CWU distinguishes itself from other institutions of higher education. For this purpose, “investments” could mean something new, more of something we are currently doing, or something to mitigate liabilities that could inhibit future success. These investments should align with the three institutional priorities articulated by President Gaudino:

retention, workforce diversity, sustainability. 1. Short descriptive name for investment:

Creating and maintaining an innovative CWU website with bold, user-friendly design and compelling content that will attract new students to the university and serve the needs of CWU employees, customers, stakeholders, and existing students.

2. Investment Description:

• What does the investment buy and whom or what purpose does it serve?

The investment buys and maintains a new website, including design, programming, hosting, training, technical support, and ongoing maintenance. The investment serves every employee and every student, as well as key stakeholders, including community members, alumni, business partners and policymakers. Marketing is a primary function. An attractive, functional university website that makes a good first impression enhances the institution’s image and sets the tone for how that university will be perceived. The new site will position CWU as a cutting-edge university in the forefront of technology, innovation, and design, and tells potential students and their parents that Central understands what they’re going to want to study in order to succeed in today’s world. Current students use the website to request transcripts, monitor degree completion, and apply for graduation. Disabled students engage services through the web; students use to access medical and mental health counseling, as well as academic advising. The website supports key business functions including the annual budget Summit Process and governance activities of the trustees, the President, Faculty Senate, and student government, among others. Employees request facilities maintenance, sign up for moving services, and report accidents through the website. The website engages philanthropic organizations and individuals and guides visitors, employees, and students with interactive mapping. In short, the website is the university’s most critical business tool and the one most in need of investment.

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