King's Business - 1958-12


ideas. Books are always popular and there are many new excellent vol­ umes in the two stores for Christmas purchases. These range from study books to fiction. It would take more pages than are in this special issue of the K in g ’ s B usiness to list even a por­ tion of the ideas in books appealing to every member of the family. Both stores are easily accessible with courteous clerks available to assist in purchases of any nature. Sur­ roundings are pleasant and condusive to resting jangled nerves, which seem to be so much a part of the hustle and bustle of Christmas time.

Mr. F. J. Weins, manager of the Biola Bookroom, stands by a portion of the rec­ ord display racks of long-playing albums. W it h modern shopping centers today, few children may even get a glimpse at the old mail order catalog which used to be as much a part of the American household as the dictionary or a bottle of rubbing ointment. Shopping by the pictures, however, is a great timesaver, to say nothing of the energy and worry of the pushing, milling crowds amid the seasonal rush. The BIOLA BOOKROOM has pre­ pared two lovely complete catalogs which, through a vast number of pages, picture and price hundreds of items on sale through direct mail order service. The catalogs are sent free upon request. Southern California friends, how­ ever, will find that the two BIOLA BOOKROOMS, downtown Los An­ geles at Sixth and Hope Streets, and in Glendale at 121 West Wilson, are stocked with a complete array of gift Mrs. Alvina Erickson, manager of the "Downstairs" Bookroom, receives an order over the phone from one o* her customers.

A small portion of the racks displaying Sunday School materials is seen above. All items are displayed for easy selection. ials for the Sunday School and young people’s program. In addition, gift suggestions for boys and girls ranging from baby to the teens will be found at various prices. The stores have been amply stocked for the Christmas sea­ son, with every help promised from the efficient staff manning them. Phone orders, or questions concerning materials, will . be quickly handle for the ease of shoppers. For all your supplies, books, Christmas needs and remembrances, make the BIOLA Bookrooms your gift headquarters.

One of the fastest selling items in the Bookroom is the Scofield Reference Jubilee Bible. Selling for $6.00, the Bible is sent gift boxed, tax paid, postage paid, any­ where in the United States. No finer gift could be presented than a Bible. Several special prices are now in effect over the holidays. Gift boxed and beautifully wrapped, a copy of the Scriptures is always appreciated by one fortunate enough to receive it. Records are always a popular gift. “ T h i s y e a r , ” Mr. Wiens stated, “ there is an even greater number on the market. We have found the popu­ lar ones to be the Scottish Singers from Glasgow, the Festival Singers from New Zealand, the Musical Biolans, Bill Carle and Beverly Shea. There are so many others that it is impossible to list them all.” In the downtown store, adjoining the Bible Institute, there is a feature for which many people travel miles. The “lower bookroom,” downstairs, handles a complete supply of mater­

Salesman Rex Starbeck demonstrates the new popular Hermes typewriter, one of many on sale at the Biola Bookrooms.


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