FYZICAL PBC | Don’t Ignore Your Lower Back Pain

Patient Success Spotlight

FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH When’s the last time you thought about your heart health? According to the National Library of Medicine, an estimated 16.3 million Americans aged 20 and older have coronary heart disease (CHD). The symptoms of CHD include heart attacks and chest pain. In the United States, 7.9 million individuals have suffered from heart attacks, and 9 million have experienced chest pain. These statistics can be alarming, but rest assured that there are several ways you can help improve your heart health! The therapists at FYZICAL have put together a list of manageable lifestyle changes you can make as soon as today to ensure good heart health for years to come. 1. Exercise regularly Regular physical activity can help you gain muscle strength and endurance. Exercise helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. If you are not currently exercising regularly, start by taking a ten- minute walk around your neighborhood each day. From there, increase the amount of time you walk each day and quicken your pace. You will eventually be able to work up to a more strenuous activity, like running or biking. 2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables According to a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, eating ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 28% and premature death by 31%. Ten servings may sound like a lot, but remember that there are many ways to up your fruits and veggies intake. You could add fruit to your water, add vegetables to your fruit smoothie, and snack on carrots and hummus during the day instead of chips. 3. Manage your stress Did you know that there are over 1,400 biochemical responses to stress? Some of these include a rise in blood pressure and a faster heart rate. For these reasons, stress can have long-term adverse effects on your health. Try to take the time out of your day to practice mindfulness and check in with your body. Deep breathing activities and meditation can do wonders for anxiety. Practicing yoga may also help you decrease your stress levels.

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