FitnessPreneur's Life July / August 2017


that it would become a “pre-flight” checklist that any team member in the future could use.

4. Shit happens LIVE.

“Don’t ever compare your messy backstage to someone else’s front stage.”

c. Assign roles and tasks.

Once that system was in place he assigned the roles and tasks that each person would assume from here on out. This way nothing was left unattended.

The reality is this ... no matter how high you climb, shit happens. Especially in the world of live webcasts and video today. We’re all operating like our own mini TV and broadcast stations, and most of us were never trained for it, so we just gotta do the best we can.

d. How you deal with mistakes determines your leadership.

As you prepare to do more videos, go LIVE more often, and put yourself out there more ... SHIT is going to go wrong.

What I observed the most was that the energy, focus, and intention of the leader created the urgency, focus, and calm to be able to take in the mistakes, accept responsibility on all ends, and then come up with a plan to handle it. As much as I wish were we all born with that skillset, it’s a learned one. I believe we can all take a page out of this snapshot on how to deal with shit when it happens so that we can lean into our leadership, and not worry or stress over mistakes, but simply know how to lead from them. How often do you get to sit in a room and listen in to a conversation that involves Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and saving the planet from space storms?! Can we take second to nerd out over this? Okay, second over! Pretty cool, huh? 5. No matter how big your project, you can do it in five moves.

The world doesn’t care. We are all human. We all make mistakes and crap goes off the rails and it’s okay. If you know how to handle it, you’ll be fine.

Here’s what I saw when Brendon had a few mishaps during his livecast.

a. Address it.

He simply made a joke that “now you know we are truly live.” Just call it out for what it is, a mistake, and be vulnerable about it, and your audience will forgive you, because they will want that back someday. People are generally cool.

b. Come up with systems to solve it.

The minute he was off camera, he talked about it with the team, took blame himself, and then created the steps needed to overcome it so

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Published by The Newsletter Pro •

Vito Lafata •

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