and authenticity of the Scriptures was in its proper setting. The rest of the pages of the magazine were devoted to smutty articles, racy pictures, liquor and cigarette advertising. A hatred for the Word of God seems to spring quite naturally from such unwholesome soil. But the net result of such an article is not to be feared. If people can be per suaded to read the Bible, you may be sure the Bible will take care of itself. No one need be afraid of undermining the Book of God, which is founded upon the Rock of Ages. Perhaps this attack will be the means by which thousands of people will be driven to a considera tion of the Bible’s claims, and in ana lyzing it will be brought face to face with the One whom the Bible presents, even the Son of God Himself. However, this does not in any way reduce our dis dain for a magazine which would take upon itself to attack the Book which millions hold dear and which has been overwhelmingly demonstrated to be the good Book, the best Book, God’s Book! Television Is H ere! H ARDLY a week goes by but that some kind of a question crosses the editor’s desk asking what the Christian should do with regard to television. Does television have its place in the Christian home? What should be the standards governing its use? There is no question but that televi sion is here to stay. It is no longer a dream or an experiment. Its manufac ture, its promotion and its operation constitute big business. It has the in herent appeal of the eye gate along with that of the ear gate. Without a doubt television soon will be as much a part of our living as the electric iron, the automobile and the radio. No Christian can really ignore the pos sibilities of this new medium. It has a tremendous opportunity for good and it has a vast potentiality for evil. To be sure, there are many, many TV programs which are utterly unworthy (as in radio), but then there is the turn-off knob, and no Christian need ever view or listen to anything over television which is hurtful to his spiritual life or detrimental to his Christian growth. This is one of the fundamental princi ples of life that while we are in the world we are not a part of the world and while we cannot separate ourselves from sinful contacts entirely, there is no reason for us to harbor evil in our hearts, or admit it to our homes. On the other hand, it is to be remem bered that there are also possibilities for good in television. Several excellent coast-to-coast religious programs are now being shown. The mail results of these are encouraging indeed. There seems to be a greater appeal to the un saved as well as the saved by the use of this double medium. Under the good hand of God, television may eventually turn into a mighty force for evange lism and Christian edification. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
might earn imperishable rewards. God very graciously, in His love for the sons of men, allows them to take of the gifts which He first has given, and then re turn them in sincere dedication for the purposes of the propagation of the gos pel. For those who honor God there are rich rewards in store not only in this life but also in that which is to come. Box tops for God would be comical if it were not so tragic. What must God think when so-called Christian America in crass folly stoops so low as to offend His dignity in this manner. God is de serving of our highest. Far better to ignore Him completely than to heap upon Him the indignity of such a tri fling gift. Nor can such an affront go unpunished. God will surely bring sor row and suffering upon the people of America for such abysmal ignorance. “ Loofc” Article I T IS an old trick which has been used time after time by news-hounds and publicity seekers. If you want folks to read your magazine then try attacking the Bible or Christ or some preacher. In a recent issue of Look a scathing at tack was leveled against the veracity of the Word of God. From the pen of Hartzell Spence and under the sensa tional title, “ The Truth About the Bible,” Look suggested that there are 50,000 errors in our New Testament and intimated the entire untrustworthi ness of the sacred Scriptures. Needless to say, not one new idea was brought out in Look which had not been known for centuries by scholars and critics. All the material which this ar ticle presented had been gone over time and time again. The consensus, after centuries of critical examination of the Biblical text, has been and is still, that the Bible in its original manuscripts was wholly and completely without error of any sort. Books by the score have been written, carefully analyzing the Biblical position and ably refuting charges against the integrity of the Book. The attack by Look upon the veracity
Imagine This! R ECENTLY two full-page advertise ments in a religious magazine of wide circulation proclaimed that you can help your church make money by eat ing certain prescribed cereals and sav ing the box tops. These are to be turned in in a certain participation plan for which half a cent will be paid. Of all the depths of depraved inanity, this seems to be about the worst. Eat your cereal and then give your box tops to God! Help to run the church of the Lord Jesus Christ with box tops! Have we ever stopped to realize the tremendous affront of such a plan to Almighty God? God is thè Maker and Sustainer of the universe. All things are His, including the silver and the gold, the cattle on a thousand hills, the world and all it contains. He is absolutely un approachable in wisdom, power, right eousness, holiness and might. Before Him the seraphim veil their faces as they cry out, “Holy, holy, holy.” He alone is the Uncreated One and His hands have formed the universe. To Him belongs the perfect allegiance of every one of His creatures. And it is suggested that we give God box tops! Throughout the pages of Scripture, the principle is sounded with clarion clearness that the best, the finest, the first, belongs to God. Throughout the Old Testament Jewish feasts, before anything could be used by the people, God’s part must first be offered. Never is God satisfied with less than our best. Always He is worthy of the highest product of our hands and the greatest devotion of our hearts. And this “ amaz ing” plan to raise money for the work of God suggests that we give Him box tops! Let it be clearly understood that God is in no wise dependent upon anything that our hands do for Him. Every last thing in this vast incalculable universe answers to His authority. He has need of nothing. The only reason that anyone is allowed to present goods or services to God is simply in order that they Page Four
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