entrenched in Spain which are far less intolerant than Cardinal Segura’s group. The fact remains, however, that the deep inner purpose of Catholicism in Spain is not only to intimidate the peo ple but to stamp out Protestantism root and branch in favor of the rigorous controlled regime from the Vatican. God Saved M y Baby A VERY sincere and earnest article appeared in a recent issue of the Saturday Evening Post telling the story of a certain Sam Binder who had not been to church in a number of years. Into the Binder home came a precious little baby who became a joy and a de light to the parents’ hearts. When the baby was nine months old, a series of illnesses brought him directly to the gates of death and in spite of all that medical science could do, including injections and oxygen tents, it seemed to be a losing battle as the baby fought for its breath. The agonizing parents were forced to look from the doctors to the only One to whom they could look, and that was God. So they prayed in their anguish and God graciously heard their prayer and the little lad became well again. This is but one story of countless that could be told, pointing out God’s ability to touch the human body and His will ingness to answer human need. There is just one item that needs to be carefully remembered. The article concludes on the note that whereas the persons in the story had quit attending church sometime before, now they were going back as regular attendants. Whereas their confidence in God had been very slightly used, now they determined to give God a real place in their lives. This is all commendable and noteworthy. There is but one im portant matter which needs to be stressed and of which the Scriptures treat quite definitely. It is not enough to believe in God, not enough to seek God in prayer; it is not enough to attend church regularly. One must also place his personal faith and trust in the Son of God. It is Christ who is the open door to heaven, it is the death of Christ on Calvary that washes away sin. You may attend church from now until doomsday and it would never' save you. It is not even possible to honor God the Father except we first honor God the Son. Jesus Christ who Himself was God incarnate is responsible for saying that “ no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Much is being propagated today in the line of piety and God-fear ing but let us remember that no one can be a friend of God except first the sin question be dealt with and the sin question can never be dealt with on any other basis than that of salvation through the blood of Christ.
Dr. Rimmer Goes Home A jNOTHER one of God’s great stal- YTi^wart men of the faith has been called home. On March 19, 1952, Dr. Harry Rimmer entered into the presence of the King. ' There is no doubt but that our beloved Brother Rimmer was raised up by God at a very definite time for a very definite purpose. Born in San Francisco Sept. 9, 1890, Harry Rimmer worked in lumber camps as a youth, then joined the Coast Artil lery, and engaged in prize fighting on the side. On his way home from a fight New Year’s Eve 1912, he heard Charles Trout in a street meeting which led to Harry’s conversion. He studied medicine for a time, then feeling the call to preach, enrolled at Biola. His first mis sion was to lumberjacks and Indians, followed by several pastorates, evan gelistic campaigns and outstanding work for servicemen through two World Wars. His extensive studies in the field of science resulted in the establishment of the Research Science Bureau, Inc., to many public debates, and to three trips abroad, the last to Africa, where he photographed the leper work for Dr. Trout, and later raised funds for it. But his unique ministry was that as a de fender of the Word of God. At that time most of the Christian world was over-awed by the spectacular claims of so-called “ great scientists” who loudly disputed the credibility of the Scriptures. There seemed to be no one to stand up and cross swords with these Goliaths of the educational world until God called another David in the person of Harry Rimmer who used his twinkling wit and sharp incisive mind to pierce the pomposity of these pseudo scientists. The Christian world shall ever be grateful to this man of God for his fear lessness on the public platform and his brilliance as a writer as he pulled down the strongholds of false scientific hypo theses. Perhaps Dr. Rimmer’s greatest and most enduring contribution will be the hooks which he has written. Easily read, sparkling with wit, they nevertheless are crammed full of truth, emphasizing the Creatorship and the imminence of God and the Saviourhood and Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many young people are now in the pulpit or on the mission field because Harry Rimmer’s writings enabled them properly to evaluate the statements of the liberals and to take their stand upon the Word of God. Thank God for Dr. Harry Rimmer; his was a life well lived. Dr. Rimmer is survived by his wife, Mignon, a daughter and two sons, one of whom is a student at Fuller Theo logical Seminary. (Continued on Page 18) Page Five
Christ fo r Everyone in October A NOTHER mighty movement for evangelism is being prayerfully planned during these months. Instead of one or two large evangelical campaigns, it is now suggested that there be a great many simultaneous evangelical efforts in thousands of churches over the United States and Canada. The theme of this campaign is to be, “Christ for Everyone.” It is suggested that these meetings be different from the ordinary religious rally in that they will take place in sec tions never before covered, reaching the villages and smaller cities. Then either the local pastor will do the evangelizing or call someone to his church. Many of the nationally known religious leaders are giving their support to this move ment. Practically all the evangelical groups are in sympathy and without a doubt there is a vast potential for God in the making. Prayer meetings are al ready being held and promotional mate rial being prepared. This great cam paign will be a success in every sense of the word only as God, the Holy Spirit, puts the stamp of His approval on it. Let us all pray to that end. Tolerance in Spain T HERE has been a great deal of pressure brought to bear upon the government of Spain, urging them to show greater religious tolerance to the Protestant minority. On the other hand, the entrenched Catholic majority has stubbornly opposed any show of weaken ing on the part of the favored state church. The real deep interference of the Spanish hierarchy was revealed re cently in a pronouncement by Cardinal Segura, Archbishop of Seville. The Car dinal complained: “ Ever since 1945, when the Spanish government authorized the opening of certain Protestant churches in this coun try, Protestant propaganda has consid erably increased, and it has been toler ated to a far greater extent than is per missible in keeping with the spirit of the charter of the Spanish people.” He further argued that some people in Spain have come to believe that all religions are equally acceptable in the presence of God. Simultaneously with the Cardinal’s remarks was a more direct protest against tolerance as a gang of well- dressed young men burst into a Protes tant chapel at St. Basil, struck the pastor in the face, poured gasoline over the altar, and tried to set the church afire. In near-by Madrid the Protestant pas tor exhibited a pamphlet published by a Catholic organization in which Protes tants were denounced as libertines, women of easy virtue and traitors to their country. As usual, after such an outburst, the reaction of the Catholic hierarchy was an apprehensive retreat and denial. It was pointed out that there is quite an other school of moderate Catholics well * M A Y , 1 9 5 2
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