Don't Let Aches & Pains Hold You Back

Why Do Your Muscles Ache?

Call FIT 4 LIFE if: • Your muscle pain persists beyond 3 days • You have severe, unexplained pain • You have any sign of infection, like swelling or redness around the tender muscle • You have poor circulation in the area where you have muscle aches (for example, in your legs) • Your muscle pain has been associated with starting or changing doses of a medicine

M uscle aches and pains are common, typically involvingmore than one muscle. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organs. Muscle pain is most frequently related to stress, tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which posture or activity is causing the pain. Most aches and pains are temporary and generally last 1-3 days. However, oncemuscle pain begins to go past 3 dayswithout changing, or you feel the same aches and pains repeatedly, it’s time to give us a call as theremay be an underlying problemsuch asmuscle imbalance, or stiff tissues and joints.

The most common causes are: • Injury or trauma including sprains and strains • Overuse • Tension or stress Muscle pain may also be due to: • Certain drugs, including: -Medicine lowering blood pressure -Medicine lowering cholesterol • Infections • Cold & Influenza (flu) • Electrolyte imbalances, such as too little potassium or calcium • Fibromyalgia

Attention Back Pain Sufferers

Do you want a natural solution to your pain? Gain your freedom from pain medication and avoid costly surgery with physical therapy!

a Do you have back pain when moving or standing for long periods of time? a Does your pain get worse with walking? a Do you have trouble bending or reaching? If you have answered “Yes” to any of the questions, we can help. Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE Back Pain Consultation


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