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From hockey to ponds: it’s all about the passion


anywhere and theywould pick up the phone and talk to him. So now I’mdone hockey and I am in that spot. My father had passed on by then. I don’t knowwhat I am going to do, so I call Torrance and tell him my father said I should call you.” Wiley asked Harvey what he wanted to do. Harvey just didn’t know. Wiley offered Harvey several choices, but Harvey wasn’t interested. He just wanted to stay in Saint- Eugène. “Then he said ‘If you only want to live in Saint-Eugène, it is going to seriously diminish what I can do for you.’ Here I am with this man who could do anything and I just want to be here.” Harvey stayed in Saint-Eugène and sold cars then insurance. “It was the lowest point inmy life,” saidHarvey. “But, that startedmy career in sales.” Judy had started a landsca- ping business and it was doing well. Harvey decided to joinher, left the insurance racket,

and began what is now Pond World, a land and aqua scape company. “My life has been a hockey thing. Then trying to figure out what the thing is,”Harvey quipped. “Now, I’m really in the thing I’m supposed to be in. It’s themost wonderful way tomake a living, by putting something there that wasn’t there before. It puts people toge- ther. Society is so disconnected. You put in a pond or a waterfall and, suddenly, everyone is outside enjoying thewater. It is something that you, your children, your grandchild- ren can enjoy. It just gets better and more beautiful with time. It’s so important to be passionate about what you do.” “I guess I would say it has all come full circle. Momdied in 2005 andTorrance came to the funeral. He looked at me and asked how I had been doing. I told him really well. He nodded his head and said ‘from Saint- Eugène.’’

Doug Harvey has followed many paths to find the one he feelsmost comfortablewith including, like his namesake theNHLHoc- key player Doug Harvey who played from 1947 to 1964 and again from1966 to 1969, a stint inhockey. Harvey said landscaping, building ponds, and enjoying life with his wife Judy in their home inSaint-Eugène, is just about the perfect path. The Harvey’s have owned land in Ste. Eugene since the 1800’s. Harvey’s father was born and raised on a farm just about a mile fromwhere he now lives .and spent his wor- king career as a car salesman for Campbell Ford in Ottawa to support his family. TheHarvey’s built their home and raised their children in Saint-Eugène. “My father brought me to this property and said, you should build your house here,” explained Harvey. “I built it exactly where he said I should. I have been walking through these woods for 50 years. I know every tree, every rock, and every pond.” Once upon a time, Harvey’s life centered onhockey. “I wanted to be a hockey player,” said Harvey. “I played in Hawkesbury with theHawks formany years. I was the top sco- rer inPembroke and Smith Falls and finished second in the league.” Harvey received a scholarship to Northeastern University in Boston. “Funny when you look back on your life and realize how lucky youwere. I didn’t realize it then.” Harvey’s coaches were Fernie Flaman and Don McKenney. “Don played in the NHL andwon the Lady Bing award formost gentlemanly player,” he reminisced. “Fernie played in the time of Gordie Howe. Howe said he was the toughest defenseman he had ever played against. In coaching, their roles were reversed.” Harvey’s team played an exhibition game against the BostonBruins in 1979. “They beat us 4-0,” Harvey smiled. “But after that, I knew I could play. I knew I belonged. In any part of life, confidence is everything. You are always wondering, do I make the grade? Do I belong?” “I asked my coaches: Do you think I can make the NHL? They both said no. It was devastating. I remember like it was yesterday. I knew right then that I didn’t want to be part of anybody that didn’t think I couldmake it.” The L.A. Kings had shown interest inHar- vey andwanted him to try out when he was finished university. “But I was impetuous. I quit school andwent pro. It was a hugemis- take,” he laughed. “Every scout said I should stay in school and developmyself. I thought, nope, I’m going to pack it in, and go pro.” “After two years, I just ran out of gas” said Harvey. “I was this far frommaking it, but I didn’t realize it at the time.” Harvey moved back to Saint-Eugène and started his career in coaching where he met his wife-to-be, Judy, on the ice. She was coaching figure skating while he was coaching hockey. “We literallymet on the ice,” he saidwith a smile. “We’ll be married 30 years this May.” As his career in hockey ended, Harvey wondered what he would do next. “My fa- ther had known Torrance Wiley. He was a big adviser in the Liberal government. He advised Pierre Trudeau. My father toldme: ‘If you ever get in a place you don’t know what to do, go see Torrance, he could help.’ Hewas the kind of guy he could call anybody

Doug Harvey shows off some of the ponds he and wife Judy have created through their company, Pond World.


ÉCOLES ÉLÉMENTAIRES Toutesnosécolesoffrent leprogrammedematernelleetde jardinà temps plein.Avecdesvaleurscatholiques,un françaisdequalitéetunbilinguisme dehautniveau,nosélèves-finissantssontprêtspour lesétudespostsecondaires et lemarchédu travail. ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueCuré-Labrosse (Saint-Eugène) Le10 février,à18h30 /Le12 février,à10h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiquedeCasselman Le24 février,à19h /Le27 février,de10hà12h Écoleélémentairecatholiquede l'Ange-Gardien (NorthLancaster) Le12 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueDuRosaire (Saint-Pascal-Baylon) Le10 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueElda-Rouleau (Alexandria) Le29 janvier,à19h /Le30 janvier,à9h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueEmbrun Le20 janvier,à19h /Le22 janvier,à19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueLaSource (MooseCreek) Le12 février,à19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueMarie-Tanguay (Cornwall) Le5 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueNotre-Dame (Cornwall) Le4 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueNotre-Dame-du-Rosaire (Crysler) Le4 févrierà9hetà19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiquePaulVI (Hawkesbury) Le20 février,à9h /Le25 février,à18h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSacré-Cœur (Bourget) Le12 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Albert Le28 janvier,de10hà12h30 /Le29 janvier,de19hà20h DATES DES SÉANCES D’INFORMATION

ÉCOLES SECONDAIRES Laplupartdenosécolesoffrentdesconcentrationsdans les sports,enart, en scienceeten technologie.Dans toutesnosécoles,nousoffronsplusieurs programmespour lesmétiersetuncertificatdebilinguisme.

ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSainte-Félicité (ClarenceCreek) Le6 févrierà9h /Le12 févrierà18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSainte-Lucie (LongSault) Le3 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSainte-Trinité (Rockland) Le22 janvier,à19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Grégroire (VankleekHill) Le10 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Isidore Le4 février,à19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Jean-Baptiste (L'Orignal) Le4 février,à10h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Joseph (Russell) Le11 février Sessionsen français :9het18h30 Sessionsenanglais :10h30et19h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Joseph (Wendover) Le12 février,à18h30 ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Mathieu (Hammond) Le5 février,à18h30 /Le26 février,de9hà13h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Paul (Plantagenet) Le22 janvier,à10hetde15hà18h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Viateur (Limoges) Le12 février,à19h ÉcoleélémentairecatholiqueSaint-Victor (Alfred) Le4 février,à19h

ÉcolesecondairecatholiquedeCasselman Le5 février,à18h30 (intermédiaire) Le29 janvier,à18h15 (secondaire) ÉcolesecondairecatholiquedePlantagenet Le29 janvier,à18h30 (intermédiaireetsecondaire)

ÉcolesecondairecatholiqueEmbrun Le10 février,à18h30 (intermédiaire) Le10 février,à19h30 (secondaire)

ÉcolesecondairecatholiqueLaCitadelle (Cornwall) Le19 février,à18h30 (intermédiaireetsecondaire) ÉcolesecondairecatholiqueLeRelais (Alexandria) Le10 février,à19h ÉcolesecondairecatholiqueL'Escale (Rockland) Le29 janvier,à19h (intermédiaire) Le5 février,à19h (secondaire) Écolesecondairecatholique régionaledeHawkesbury

Le3 février,à18h30 (intermédiaire) Le4 février,à18h30 (secondaire)

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