Go Magazine | Issue 62


The Hidden Gut Health Heroes

Y ou already know that probiotics greatly benefit gut health – now naturopath Alissa Mack explains why digestive enzymes are just as important. According to naturopathic philosophy, you are not necessarily what you eat – but what you can digest and absorb. Digestive enzymes are a group of enzymes used by the body to break down the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) into their individual components to ensure that they are properly digested and absorbed. The problem is that things like stress, ageing, gut damage, poor nutrition, overcooked and processed foods all deplete these enzymes and therefore impair the natural processes they are supposed to perform, which is when gut disorders and symptoms appear. So, even if you are eating a healthy and nutritious diet, if you are not digesting and absorbing that food optimally, it is being wasted. The first sign that a person is not producing enough digestive enzymes is disturbed digestion; however, if digestive enzymes have been inadequate or compromised for a while, broader and more systemic symptoms will occur.

Quick Gut Health Check

Specific purpose Specific digestive enzymes are needed in order for the body to be able to break down each specific macronutrient. These are: Protease: To digest the proteins found

in meat, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, nuts and other protein-rich foods. Interesting facts

Do you suffer from bloating, cramping, gas, loose stools or constipation? Do you sleep poorly, feel constantly tired, or experience depression or anxiety? Do you always catch whatever bug is going around? Do you have chronic skin conditions, like acne or eczema? Do you react after eating gluten, dairy or rich food? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the chances are your gut needs help. The good news is that although these symptoms are common, they do not have to be tolerated. Fixing gut health is more complex than just popping a probiotic or drinking kombucha (although both are beneficial) - embracing a holistic lifestyle and diet as well as supplements is essential.

about digesting

protein: People who have trouble digesting protein tend to actually crave protein- rich foods, and are more prone to digestive upset immediately after meals. Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV) is a specific proteolytic enzyme to break down protein which is found along the lining of the intestinal wall; it has also been identified as one of the most important enzymes for the normal breakdown of gluten. There is a difference between dairy and lactose intolerance. People who suffer digestive symptoms after eating dairy products can be struggling to digest either the lactose (milk sugar) or the protein (casein). Therefore, both tilactase and protease digestive enzymes are often needed for those struggling with dairy intolerance.


ISSUE 62 • 2021

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