Go Magazine | Issue 62

digestion cleanse detox alkalise

Juice - soothing and protective, it helps the body replace the mucus lost with gut damage and leaky gut syndrome. There is also slippery elm (increases mucilage in the digestive tract and stimulates gut nerve endings to naturally boost the body’s own mucus secretion), licorice (replenishes the mucus that creates a healthy intestinal barrier) and marshmallow root (has a high mucilage content, which coats the digestive tract with a protective lining). Take out nutritional insurance L-glutamine is an amino acid which plays a critical role in restoring gut health by speeding up gut cell regeneration. It has been shown to repair the breaks in the intestinal wall seen in leaky gut syndrome, and can be used as both a remedy for this conditionandapreventive, minimising the damage caused by certain foods, environmental toxins, infections, medications and stress that trigger leaky gut syndrome in the first place. The immune system needs several other nutrients to function optimally as well, including alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), a broad spectrum antioxidant that maintains the health of both gut cell membranes and gut cell interiors, and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, an immune stimulant that boosts antibody response and production of granulocytes, which are specific immune cells that target parasitic infections. Probiotic power Probiotics are live micro-organisms that are renowned for supporting and

improving gut health

and therefore, by extension, supporting and improving immune function

Their functions include converting fibre into short-chain fatty acids, synthesising particular vitamins and ensuring optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste. They are found in fermented foods, such as yoghurt, kefir and sauerkraut, and also in supplemental form. Taking additional probiotics will help ensure adequate numbers of these ‘friendly’ bacteria.

DIGESTION with Green Tea, Slippery Elm, Chamomile & Ginger NEW

✓ 100% pure Aloe Vera extract ✓ Cold pressed inner leaf juice ✓ Grown under organic conditions ✓ Preservative free ✓ Packaged in glass www.aloevera.com.au


ISSUE 62 • 2021

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