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Le canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet célèbre le 25 e anniversaire de sa fusion. Le personnel du canton travaille avec les clubs communautaires locaux à l’organisation de diverses activités pour marquer l’occasion, notamment le retour de la course annuelle de canoë-kayak sur la rivière des Outaouais, de Treadwell à Lefaivre. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


year and not become a replacement for the township’s usual municipal logo. The final version of the anniversary logo will be unveiled later this month. The township will also have a variety of anniversary banners and posters on display this year. These posters and banners will not include the anniversary logo so that they can be reused as part of the township’s seasonal displays in later years. Silver anniversary events Township staff will work with the Lefaivre Lions Club, which is the annual host for the municipality’s Canada Day celebration. This year’s long weekend activities will include a few activities oriented towards the silver anniversary. One highlight for this year will be the return of the annual Canoe and Kayak Race along the Ottawa River from Treadwell downstream to Lefaivre. The township fire department is organizing the event for July 1. The Wendover Optimist Club will host a community ball tournament in August at Denis St-Pierre Park. The club hopes to have men’s and women’s teams entered from each of the villages in the township. The municipal parks and recreation department and the economic development and tourism department are co-organizing a 25th Anniversary Golf Tournament at The /BUJPO(PMG$MVCJO$VSSBOPO4FQUFNCFS The preliminary plan is to have a pre-game breakfast session for participants, with tee time scheduled for later in the morning and the tournament finishing at 3 p.m. Awards for excellence The economic development and tourism department will organize an evening cele- bration of excellence for local entrepreneurs October 13. Details of time and location will be announced at a later date along with information on how to nominate a local business for recognition. The following month will see local volunteers receive recognition for their efforts on behalf of the community. The Recreation Advisory Committee is working on details for a Volunteer Recognition Evening

FWFOU/PWFNCFS5IFNVOJDJQBMTPDJBM committee is also working on a Recognition BOE"QQSFDJBUJPO&WFOU/PWFNCFSBU the Lucien Delorme Community Centre in Wendover for employees of the township

and for former mayors and council members who have served the township since its creation. Invitations for both these events will go out in June.

All the residents of Alfred-Plantagenet Township have a silver anniversary to celebrate this year. Last year the Village of Alfred celebra- ted its 150 th anniversary. This year will be the 25 th anniversary for the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet. The township was created during the amalgamation process that the Harris Pro- gressive Conservative government set up for many municipalities throughout Ontario. The UPXOTIJQTPG"MGSFEBOE/PSUI1MBOUBHFOFU and the villages of Alfred and Plantagenet were amalgamated on January 1 1997 as the new Township of Alfred-Plantagent. Township council reviewed and approved a report from Parks and Recreation Director Ken St-Denis during its April 20 committee of the whole session. St-Denis outlined the plans for celebrating the township’s silver anniversary. A budget of $15,000 is provided for the programme. A list of a dozen activities was included in the report, most of them taking place as part of the municipality’s Canada Day celebration over the July 1 long weekend. Artists wanted The township’s art, culture and heritage committee is organizing a contest to create a display of local artworks by residents of Alfred-Plantagenet. Some of the pieces would become part of an exhibition display in the conference room at the municipal office in Plantagenet. Other pieces may become part of the decor for various other 25 th anniver- sary celebration events. Details for submission of pieces to the committee will be posted on the municipal website. The committee will also make pro- visions for local artists to offer their display pieces for sale. Anniversary logo Township staff are working on a special anniversary logo for display throughout the municipality during the year. The Silver Anniversary logo will be temporary for this



ROCKLAND : Le Club Optimiste de Rockland est heureux d’annoncer que Desjardins par l’entremise de la Caisse populaire Trillium de Rockland renouvelle son appui au 45e souper homard annuel du Club Optimiste de Rockland à titre de commanditaire principal avec une contribution de 5000 $. Sur la photo (g à d avant ) Gisèle Giroux, conseillère en gestion du patrimoine, Danielle Lalonde et Monique Lalande, membre du CA du Club, Christine Villeneuve, directrice des services aux membres; (en arrière de g à d.) Christian Albuisson, directeur de développement de marché, le président du Club Optimiste Rockland et responsable du souper homard, Denis Vaillancourt. Les membres du Club acceptent la contribution de la Caisse des mains de Mme Giroux et de Mme Villeneuve. L’appui de Desjardins assure le succès de la soirée et permet au Club Optimiste Rockland de continuer à appuyer des initiatives et des projets qui servent à « Inspirer le meilleur chez les jeunes »! Rappelons que la 45 e édition du souper homard du Club Optimiste de Rockland a lieu le samedi 4 juin à compter de 18 h à l’aréna de l’Académie CIH sur la route 17 à Rockland. Il faut acheter vos billets à l’avance en appelant le 613-446-1805 : il reste toujours des billets.

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