King's Business - 1929-01


January 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

The Broken Pinion Take Mark, and bring hint with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. 2 Tim. 4:11. Mark made good after his failure. Many Wears ago a poem was written, the first verse of which ran: I walked by the woodland meadows, Where soft the thrushes sing, And found on a bed of mosses A bird' with a broken wing. I healed its wounds and each morning It sang its old sweet strain, But the bird with the broken pinion Never soared as high again. At the Keswick Convention in 1924 Dr. J. Stuart Holden told of a man who in prison came to know the power of Christ to forgive sin, and he wrote on the fly-leaf of the prison Bible in his cell a verse for this poem: But the soul that comes to Jesus, Through failure, shame, and pain, By His wondrous love and mercy May soar as high again. That is more true to the Gospel than the first. MS Wholesome Laughter Rev. Charles G. Chappell in his book, “Familiar Failures,” says: “While passing through the ruins of old Dryburgh Abbey in Scotland, the guide pointed out this inscription written in Latin above one of the doors, ‘Sweeten Bitter Things with Gentle Laughter.’ It struck me as a lovely motto. There are many bitter things that we might so sweeten. There are many sobs that we might thus change into psalms. You must understand that it must be gentle laughter. It must be laughter that is clean and wholesome. There is laughter that is harsh and unkind. There is laughter that is like a sword thrust. There is laughter that has a scourge in its hand. There is laughter that bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. There was some­ thing of that element in the laughter of Dean Swift. Thackeray called attention to the fact that it jars upon us after seven score years. But gentle laughter is brac­ ing as mountain air and refreshing as the song of the sea.” Hidden Behind the Picture Said Dr. Bonar: “One of my elders said in prayer-meeting,—‘As I came along the street I saw a crowd at a shop-door, and I had the curiosity to look’in. There

some branch of a tree and keep his head above water. While he was thus sus­ pended, the thought c a me to him, ‘‘Mother is praying for me, and I shall be saved.” After resting a few moments he made the effort and reached the shore in safety. But while this was taking place his mother had suddenly awakened and, im­ pressed with the feeling that her son was in danger, she prayed earnestly that God would deliver him from danger. When they met and compared notes it was found that it was the same time he was struggling in the water that his mother had prevailed in prayer. God still lives to answer the prayer of faith. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Greatest Thing of All When Dr. Lyman Beecher was on his dying bed, a ministerial brother said to him, “Dr. Beecher, you know a great deal; tell us what is the greatest of all things.” He replied, “It is not theology; it is not controversy; it is to save souls.” Peace Through Trial Dr. E; W. Caswell says: “In mechan­ ics, pressure produces power. When the iron of the gun and the boiler of the en­ gine are strong to resist pressure, the power becomes tremendous. The utiliza­ tion of pressure is one of the greatest miracles the human mind has produced, and furnishes an analogy of the develop­ ment of power in supernatural realms. In business life, riches let up on the pressure and, ease taking the place of activity, the business genius disintegrates. C h r i s t says, ‘In the world ye shall have tribula­ tion ; in me ye shall have peace. For tribulation worketh patience’; that is, pro­ duces a pressure upon the soul which only the strength of divine power can enable man to successfully overcome. “The Apostle Paul took pleasure in this tremendous pressure. He knew that grace was sufficient to sustain him, and that trial brought him closer to the soul of his Master; Outward pressure of cir­ cumstances increased the inward loving pressure upon his heart. “It is another wonderful fact that the equilibrium produced by high pressure and the resistance of divine power brings not turbulence but peace. Tribulation does not trouble, because the soul is tranquil as God. We are more than conquerors even before the battle is fought, and vic­ tory is as certain as the strength of Christ, which enables us to do all things.”

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