Vital Care PT - July 2019

3 Free Apps to Help You Catch Those Z’s INSOMNIACS UNITE

Everyone with a smartphone has heard time and time again that looking at your phone before bed is a bad idea. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “The use of electronic devices in the bedroom further disrupts the natural pattern of the sleep-wake cycle” primarily because of the blue light emitted from the screen. While most scientific data pertaining to sleep recommends you place your phone in another room overnight, those who toss and turn regardless of phone location might benefit from using technology rather than tucking it away. Here are three FREE sleep apps that might help you get to dreamland faster.


common. The Snore Report app records through the night to detect any snoring sounds and then provides the user with an overview of the previous night’s recording, including an index to determine snore intensity. Using this app might not help you fall asleep faster, but it could offer helpful information about why you aren’t able to stay asleep.

While there are many apps that claim to help people fall asleep quicker, very few are programmed to prevent sleepers from growing bored of the same monotonous soundtracks. Pzizz combines music, sound effects, and binaural beats, and an embedded algorithm generates a slightly different track each time you use it.



Instead of setting an alarm to jolt you out of sleep at a specific time, choose a window of time to wake up with the Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock. The app will sense your sleep movements and ring an alarm when you’re in the lightest stage of sleep. This way, you’ll wake at the optimal time, feeling refreshed rather than groggy.

Many troubled sleepers who are able to fall asleep are jolted awake shortly afterward. The inability to stay asleep throughout the night can stem from a multitude of factors, but snoring tends to be the most

Success Stories


At Vital Care Physical Therapy, we understand that a patients’ decision to come to us for help in their rehabilitation journey requires ample trust. Many of them have been navigating the stress, frustration, and pain associated with an injury or medical condition for months or even years. In that way, a patient’s choice to allow our team members here at Vital Care the opportunity to lend a hand in their personal recovery means the world to us. One story that sticks out to us in particular comes from John A. Here’s what he had to say :

“Then in early December, I had a total knee replacement. Just a few short days later, Tim here in the office started instructing and showing me how to walk correctly. Wow, what a difference! I’m making the most out of my new knee, and it’s made such a positive impact on my everyday life. Thank you so much to Tim and Vital Care!” –John A.

“Imagine walking like a pirate for nearly three years. Some people pretend to hobble on a wooden leg to make their Halloween costume more realistic, but prior to my experience at Vital Care, walking like a pirate was my daily reality.

If you’ve ever suffered an injury that’s left you struggling to walk like John, don’t hesitate to come in and meet with one of our physical therapists. We don’t want you to spend another minute in pain. Give us a call at (623) 544-0300 to find out how we can help you today!

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