Paradigm: Living Life Without Back Pain

What should you do if you have back pain?

Most back pain is due to excessive forward bending. If you have pain, avoid this position as much as possible. Initially it may seem like it is helping but overall it will probably make things worse. Lie flat on your stomach on the bed or floor. If you are unable to lie flat, initially put a pillow under your stomach and gradually try to remove it. This will keep your spine neutral and may alleviate your sharp pain. Once you can tolerate this position, lie with your elbows under your shoulders to get some extension in your spine. Hold here for 3-5 minutes. Do this several times a day. 1. Start walking!! The spine likes movement and walking may be one of your least painful activities. Be sure to keep an upright posture while walking. Avoid sitting, but if you must, use a small roll behind your back when you sit. Try to keep the spine in this position to prevent increased pain from sitting.

2. 3. 4.

Be reasonable with returning to your previous activity level. Gradually return to what you love to do. Give your body time to heal.

Of course, we are also here to guide you if you find that your pain needs more help than these suggestions. Once we alleviate your pain, we will help you return to all of your favorite activities and provide exercises to prevent your symptoms from returning.

Back pain affects millions of Americans and for many it starts from the ground up.  Ignoring how your feet and legs affect the lower back can sometimes mean missing the source of back pain. When walking, the body must adjust to many forces, which affect both the feet and the spine. Do youwant a natural solution to your pain? Gain your freedom from pain medication and avoid costly surgery with physical therapy!

We can help you: Naturally relieve back and neck pain. Prevent headaches and migraines. Be more active with your friends and family

Have more energy. Feel better at work.

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