Professional April 2020


Policy hub

The CIPP’s MSc in Strategic Leadership is designed for payroll and pension professionals who wish to add strategic value to their organisations. LOOKING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR ORGANISATION? MSC IN STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP

AgentStrategyGroup The CIPP’s Helen Hargreaves attended the most recent meeting of the Agent Strategy Group. Over several years the Group has discussed issues ranging from digital advancements to support agents’ work with their clients (which have yet to come to any useful conclusion) to discussing the professional standards expected from tax advisers, to a more recent review of the look and feel of Agent Updates (http://bit. ly/3ce2lBJ). In recognition of the work considered by this forum its name is to be changed to Agent Support Group; and in line with the increasing use of digital processes face to face meetings will be held less often instead using online meetings instead. RevisedHMRCCustomerCharter An update was provided to the Agent Strategy Group about the latest HMRC consultation Text of the revised charter Working with you to get tax right HMRC is here to collect the tax that pays for the UK’s public services. We do this by working in partnership with you. We will help you meet your tax responsibilities and work with anyone you’ve asked to act for you. We will also help make sure you get any benefits, tax credits, refunds or other support you can claim. However, we will take firm action against the small minority who bend or break the law by not paying their tax. What we want our service to be all about ● Making things easy – We aim to ensure our services are as accessible as possible and that it is easy, quick and convenient to deal with us. ● Getting things right – We aim to give you accurate, consistent and clear information. This will help you meet your obligations, understand your rights and what you can claim. When we ask for information, we rely on you to give us full, accurate and timely answers. If you disagree with us, we will inform you about options available to you and work with you to reach an appropriate outcome quickly and simply. If you are not satisfied with the service you have received, we will explain how you can make a complaint. ● Being responsive – When you get in touch with us, we aim to answer

which presents a revised Customer Charter. The consultation, which was launched on 24 February and will run for twelve weeks closing on 15 May, asks the following three questions: ● Do you think the draft charter sets the right standards for HMRC’s service to customers? ● To what extent do you feel the draft charter sets out the areas which are most important to customers when interacting with HMRC? ● How you would like to see HMRC measure and monitor how it is performing against the charter, including how it can best listen to feedback and take action on areas for improvement? n Please share your views on this or indeed any of the subjects in this update, by email to samantha.mann@ or to the usual policy@ . We look forward to hearing from you. your questions and resolve things first time, or as quickly as we can. We will also explain what happens next and when you can expect a response from us. If we make a mistake, we will put it right as soon as possible. ● Treating you fairly – We work within the law to make sure everyone pays the right amount of tax and gets their benefits and other entitlements. We trust you are telling the truth, unless we have good reason to think you’re not. ● Being aware of your personal situation – We will listen to your worries and answer any questions clearly and concisely. We will be mindful of your wider personal situation, including offering you extra support if you need it. ● Keeping your data secure – We will protect information we hold about you and treat it as private and confidential. And we will always use that information fairly and lawfully. ● A word about respect – We will always treat you in line with our values of respect, professionalism and integrity. Our employees are people too, so please treat them in the same way. We take any threats, intimidation or harassment very seriously and will take appropriate action against any behaviour of this type.


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| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 59 | April 2020

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