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$ 40 000 awarded to eight businesses in Prescott-Russell

Président et vice-président du CSDCEO réélus «Not only will these entrepreneurs receive sound advice fromexperts in their respective fields, they will also be presented in front of a ‘Dragon’s Den’ board in order to obtain the $5,000 grant,” said Benoit Brunette, the PREC Project Officer, through a news release. “This financial assistance, in the form of a grant funding, will help with several expenses, including equipment purchases, inventory purchases, marketing expenses, registration and training fees and miscellaneous entre- preneurial expenses.” hops, seminars and networking events with topics ranging fromwriting a business plan to marketing and social media campaigns, to budgeting and making pitches.


UCDSB re-elects chair and vice-chairs Jeff McMillan was acclaimed chair of the Board of Trustees of the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) for the 2017-18 term. McMillan, who has served as chair since December 2014, said he was gratified by the acclamation and the trust Board members have expressed in his leadership. “I have worked very hard on your behalf to represent this position with integrity and I will continue to do so,” McMillan said, via news release. The Board also acclaimed 1 st Vice-Chair Caroll Carkner, and elected incumbent 2 nd Vice-Chair David McDonald to the position for another year. Carkner has served in her current role since December 2014. McDonald has served in his current role as 2 nd vice-chair since December 2010, and previously served in the position from December 2006 to December 2008. — Alexia Marsillo The Prescott and Russell Entrepre- neurship Centre (PREC) is a non-profit or- ganization whose mission is to help small business entrepreneurs succeed in Prescott and Russell by providing information, tools and support during their start-up and growth phases.The Starter Company Plus program provides, in addition to themonetary prize, one-on-one guidance from the Prescott and Russell Entrepreneurship Centre’s mentors and Project Officer. These entrepreneurs have also participated in business works- Eight entrepreneurs in Prescott-Russell have received a grant funding of $5,000 each through the Starter Company Plus program initiative. A total of $40,000 has been awarded to entrepreneurs in the Prescott-Russell region through the Starter Company Plus program. The eight entrepreneurs who will be recei- ving $5,000 each for their businesses include Josiane Guindon of MansioCare in Rockland, Lucille Groulx ofThe King’s Domain inWen- dover, Rae-Anne St. Pierre of Vankleek Hill Dental Hygiene Clinic, Audrey Lizotte and Mireille Leroux of l’Artisan Farm in Fournier, David Gratton of Miels du Boisé/OhMiel! in Alfred, MyriamLegault of Pastel & Panache in Rockland, Dara Barton of the Daily Dose in Vankleek Hill and Véronique Ouellete and Laurence d’Entremont Gagnon of Concelare in Wendover.

Huit entreprises de Prescott-Russell ont reçu une aide financière de 5000 $ chacune dans le cadre du programme Entreprise en démarrage Plus. On reconnaît ici les récipiendaires, à partir de la gauche : David Gratton, Lucille Groulx, Rae-Anne St-Pierre, Véronique Ouellette, me Myriam Legault, Josiane Guindon, Mireille Leroux, Audrey Lizotte et l’agent de projet du Centre d’Entrepreneurship de Prescott et Russell, Benoit Brunette. —photo fournie

CDSBEO re-elects chair and acclaims new vice-chair

François Bazinet (photo du haut) a récemment été réélu sans opposition comme président du Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO). M. Bazinet œuvre dans le milieu scolaire depuis 43 ans et en politique scolaire depuis 2010. « Travailler pour la réussite et le bien-être des élèves est au cœur de notre mandat éducatif. Ensemble, les membres du personnel du conseil scolaire et les membres de la table politique conjuguent leurs efforts pour mettre en place des stratégies et des initiatives innovantes afin de bien préparer les jeunes de nos écoles catholiques de langue française à oeuvrer dans le monde de demain », a déclaré M. Bazinet. Roger Chartrand (photo du bas), conseiller scolaire depuis 17 ans, a été réélu comme vice-président. Également élu sans oppo- sition, il s’agit d’un quatrième mandat à la vice- présidence pour M. Chartrand qui représente la municipalité d’Alfred-Plantagenet. - Alexia Marsillo

ANNONCE MAISON SVP                                                

Todd Lalonde, trustee for City of Cornwall and Glengarry County, has been acclaimed to the position of chair for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO). It will be the second term as chair for Mr. Lalonde, who is entering his 12 th year as a Catholic school trustee. City of Cornwall and Glengarry County trustee Ron Eamer was also acclaimed during the annual meeting to the position of vice-chair of the Board. Mr. Eamer has served as CDSBEO trustee since 1981, and has served terms as both chair and vice-chair. Mr. Eamer is now succeeding the outgoing vice-chair, Robin Rail. Above, from left to right, vice-chair Ron Eamer, chair Todd Lalonde and director of education Wm. J. Gartland. —submitted photo

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