
Upper Canada school district nears final budget  gŏđŏ

nary budget reports from various depart- ments during their regular May session. Included were the draft budgets pro- posed for the director’s office, the district’s main curriculum programs and teacher support services, and the special education program. One highlight of the special ed program budget is an anticipated reduction in the funding need for the 2013-2014 term. The report projects a budget of $45,956,395 for

the next term for special education pro- grams, including main staff and support, compared to $47,057,135 for the 2012-2013 term. The director’s office budget projected for next term is close to $3 million while the curriculum and teacher support programs budget is estimated at a combined total of $14.1 million. The curriculum share of that portion of the budget is about $12.9 million and that

figure includes salaries and support materi- als for the expanded full-time kindergarten program that the provincial government has ordered for all school districts in On- tario. All of the above department reports add up to about $63 million for the preliminary budget for the Upper Canada district for the next term. The final budget report is expected later in the season.


BROCKVILLE | As the end of the school ap- proaches and the start of summer, the fi- nal numbers crunch for the Upper Canada District budget. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) trustees reviewed several prelimi-

Beware of disease-bearing ticks out in the woods your shirt into your pants, and tuck your pants into your socks.

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit is re- minding residents to take steps to protect themselves when in areas where Lyme disease-carrying ticks may be found. The region is experiencing an increase in numbers and range of blacklegged ticks that carry Lyme disease. “Fortunately, simple precautions can help protect against tick bites, and lower your risk of becoming infected with Lyme disease,” says Linda Cléroux, Manager of the Vector-borne Illness program at the EOHU. Outdoor enthusiasts and those who work outdoors are at higher risk of being ex- posed to Lyme disease, especially if they spend time in wooded areas, tall shrubs or tall grass that may be tick-infested. The EOHU advises those who spend time outdoors and in higher risk areas such as wooded areas, tall shrubs or tall grass to take precautions to lower their risk. Apply insect repellent containing DEET to clothing and on all exposed skin. Read and follow the manufacturer’s directions for safe use. Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and closed footwear (avoid sandals or open shoes). Light-coloured clothing is best be- cause it makes ticks easier to see and re- move before they can attach to feed. Tuck

not yet attached. Remove any attached ticks with tweezers. If possible, take the tick to the EOHU, where it will be sent away for species identification and, if necessary, tested for Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection

caused by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. It can cause a rash that looks like a red bull's eye, as well as flu-like symptoms. Left untreated, Lyme disease can affect the heart, nervous system or joints, but if caught early can be treated successfully.

Examine your body for ticks after being in an area where there’s tall grass or shrubs, or where ticks are known to live. Showering after can also help remove ticks that have



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