" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4 r / & 8 4 SENIORS’ CARE HOMES ALMOST ALL FIRE-SAFE
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
in those residences,” said Comtois-Lalonde, “because they (residences) do not meet the standards.” Back on track Seniors’ home facilities, which were struck off the UCPR list after missing the deadline, could still re-qualify. Comtois-Lalonde explained that the owners just needed to get the sprinkler system upgrade done, have the local fire department do an inspection and certify that the facility meets the provincial fire safety standard, and then apply to UCPR social services for reinstatement on the senior tenants’ subsidy list. Almost all of the facilities, which were removed from the list after December 31, are now reinstated after providing the UCPR with their recertifications.
Almost every senior’s retirement and care facility in Prescott-Russell has a fire-fighting sprinkler system installed now, to meet current provincial safety demands. Anne Comtois-Lalonde, social services director for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR), confirmed during a phone interview on February 15, that 28 out of 30 large-scale seniors’ home operations, which her department deals with, meet the provincial fire safety standards now. One more facility is in the process of getting its official fire safety certification while another still needs to get an upgrade done. “There’s only the one that’s really behind,” Comtois-Lalonde said. The situation now is different from what it was last year when a large number of seniors’ retirement homes, which are on the social service department’s tenant subsidy list, did not meet the current provincial fire safety standards. Those new standards had been in place since January 1, 2014, when the previous Liberal provincial government approved legislation for new fire safety protocols for seniors’ residences in Ontario, in the wake of a tragic and fatal fire at a retirement home. The 2004 legislation set a deadline of December 31, 2018, for all seniors’ retirement and long-term-care facilities to upgrade their premises to meet the new standards, which included installation of an automated fire-suppression sprinkler system. But Comtois-Lalonde reported to UCPR council last fall, that many of the residences, which her department dealt with as part of the UCPR tenant subsidy program for seniors’ living accommodations, had not upgraded their facilities yet to meet the new standards or were still in the process. The situation created a potential liability problem for the UCPR. Comtois-Lalonde’s department notified the owner/operators of those facilities that if they did not get their upgrades done to meet the provincial standards before the December 31 deadline, they would no longer be eligible for the UCPR tenant subsidy. i8FDBOOPUTVCTJEJ[FUIFQFPQMFXIPMJWF
Presque tous les établissements de retraite et de soins pour personnes âgées de Prescott-Russell répondent maintenant aux normes provinciales actuelles en matière de sécurité incendie. Tous les foyers de soins pour personnes âgées de l’Ontario avaient jusqu’au 31 décembre 2018 pour installer des systèmes de gicleurs afin de respecter les normes provinciales actuelles en matière de sécurité-incendie - archives. As of press time, one facilit is waiting for its fire safety inspection certification before it applies for reinstatement. One other facility has yet to get its upgrade done. CINQUIÈME DÉJEUNER DES MAIRES DE LA CCPRCC
Les municipalités de Russell, La Nation et Casselman ont plusieurs projets en vue. On s’attend qu’au cours des prochaines années, ces trois municipalités connaissent une expansion remarquable. C’est ce qui ressort du cinquième déjeuner des maires, organisé par la Chambre de commerce de Prescott-Russell, le 1 er mars dernier, à Casselman, et qui avait comme invités les maires de La Nation François St-Amour, de Casselman Daniel Lafleur et de Russell Pierre Leroux. Ces derniers se sont prêtés au jeu de questions posées par la présidente de la Chambre de commerce de Prescott-Russell, Julie Brisson, et des participants. De plus amples détails sur leurs présentations seront publiées dans notre prochain numéro. — photo Annie Lafortune
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COMITÉS DE LA MUNICIPALITÉ DE LA NATION Le Conseil municipal de La Nation est à la recherche de personnes intéressées à siéger sur les différents comités de la municipalité de La Nation pour le terme débutant le 15 avril 2019 et se terminant le 31 octobre 2022. Si vous êtes intéressés, détenez une expertise que vous voulez partager avec la municipalité et des qualifications qui viendront appuyer le mandat d’un de ces comités, veuillez soumettre une lettre d’intention accompagnée de votre curriculum vitae au plus tard le 15 mars 2019 à 16 h à l’attention de Josée Brizard, greffière, par la poste ou par courriel à jbrizard@nationmun.ca en indiquant clairement le comité qui vous intéresse. • Groupe municipal de maîtrise des situations d’urgence • Comité des dérogations mineures • Comité consultatif de l’accessibilité • Comité de développement économique • Comité du patrimoine et de la culture • Comité de l’environnement (Foresterie) • Commission des services policiers
THE NATION MUNICIPALITY COMMITTEES The Nation Municipal Council is looking for people interested to serve on The Nation Municipality’s various committees for the term starting on April 15th, 2019 and ending on October 31st, 2022. If you are interested and have an expertise you would like to share with us and qualifications that would benefit the mandate of a committee, please send an introduction letter supported by your resume no later than March 15th, 2019 at 4 p.m. to the attention of Josée Brizard, Clerk, by mail or by email at jbrizard@ nationmun.ca and clearly indicate which committee you are interested in.
• • • • • • •
Police Services Board
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Municipal Emergency Control Group
Minor Variance Committee
Accessibility Advisory Committee Economic Development Committee Heritage and Culture Committee Environment Committee (Forestry)
Diane Leduc-Boulerice , Manager/Gérante
Pour plus d’information: 613-764-5444 poste 235
For more information: 613-764-5444 extension 235
Josée Brizard, Greffière | Clerk La municipalité de La Nation | The Nation Municipality • 958 Route 500 W/O, Casselman, ON K0A 1M0 | 613-764-5444 x235
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