June/July 2022 Anchorlines

Commodore Your Marco Island Yacht Club hosted the General Meeting of the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs over the weekend of May 13-15. Nearly 100 Directors, Alternate Directors, and members of various Yacht Clubs gathered here to enjoy some genuine Marco Island hospitality. The FCYC Bridge and the Directors from all 37 member clubs meet every two months at one of the clubs to do a little business, get to meet members from other clubs, and mostly to have a lot of fun. For this meeting, lots of behind-the-scenes work was done by many contributors, from Debbie designing the Credentials for attendees, to Vicki Bretthauer designing and stuffing the welcome SWAG gift bags, to Dockmaster Missy welcoming and

Tom Wentworth

docking boats, to Fleet Captain Dwyn von Bereghy arranging the 37 visiting Club burgees and hoisting them all on the flagpole (which made a very beautiful and unusual sight) also helping with registration, to Cynthia welcoming attendees as they arrived and registering them, to Pam arranging the tables and managing the waitstaff, to Nikki's lovely smile lighting up the reception area as she greeted guest after guest (assisted at times by brand-new Brian), to Melanie Kraemer, Dave Randall, Shelly Derrough and M.A. Harlacker manning the registration tables on Friday and Saturday, to volunteer Members staffing the Ship's Store, to Alan and Linda Sandlin leading the Marco Island Historical Society tour and Alan giving the invocation, to Carrie keeping a thousand details together and somehow making it look easy. Special congratulations go to Past Commodore and FCYC Director Ray Rosenberg, who had been working tirelessly on this event for at least the last six months, and who must have set a new personal record for number of emails sent! Ray was in constant communication with the FCYC Bridge on a host of issues. Ray fought to get the FCYC meal cost limit raised so that Chef Jono could work his magic properly. He designed interesting activities for Saturday morning, he booked the musicians, he coordinated menus and ordered printing and kept track of a myriad of important details, conducting the entire orchestra to produce a masterwork of an event! I personally heard many attendees rave about the meals which Chef Jono produced, particularly the International Buffet on Friday, and the divine short ribs and crab cake dinner (prefaced by a magical lobster bisque) which in the opinion of many was one of the best meals produced in any Yacht Club or restaurant in memory. Inquiries from some of the other club Commodores about whether we could possibly "loan out" Chef Jono to them were politely but firmly rejected by me...he's our Superstar, and they can't have him! The entire staff performed flawlessly, and everyone projected a real feeling of genuine warmth which cannot be counterfeited. Many of the FCYC Directors told me that there is something in the air around our Club, a feeling of real and comfortable welcome which they felt was unique in all of Florida in their experience, and very, very special. Well, they're right. There is something very special about our Club, and we know what it is: It's not the building, or the shiny new Marina...it's the dedicated staff and our amazing Members who volunteer their time to make our Club truly one of a kind. Thanks to all who made this event unforgettable!


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