Hundreds of our read ers have expressed their de light with “ The new note.” Recent expression f r o m o u t s t a n d in g churchmen, known for their loyalty to the Faith, would indicate that our constructive policy is meeting with widespread ap proval. Among these are such men as Dr. Mark A. IVfatthews, pastor of the world’s largest Presbyterian Church; Dr. J. C. Massee, pastor of America’s best-known Baptist Church; Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, President,
kN January 1, 1927, t h i s magazine nounced a policy of constructive Bible teaching and helpfulness to all evan gelical churches of what- ever denomination. The editors’ believe (and our present faculty o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles agree) that the Church of Jesus Christ is the greatest institution on earth. We believe ourselves called “ to feed [not bleed] the church o f God which H e hath pur
o f Wheaton College; ' Dr. Stuart Holden, Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, Dr. W._ Graham Scroggie, among the greatest of British clergymen; Dr. Elmer W . Helms and Dr. Lincoln A. Ferris, two of America’s best-known Methodist ministers; Dr. Herbert Booth Smith, Dr. G. A. Briegleb, Dr. Stewart P. MacLennan and Dr. W . E. Edmonds, pastors of four of Southern California’s leading Presbyterian Churches; Dr. Frederick W . Farr, pastor o f Los Angeles’ famous Calvary Baptist Church; Dr. John Snape, pastor of the widely known Temple Baptist Church of Los Angeles; Dr. Louis S. Bauman, outstanding pastor of the Brethren denomination; Dr. O. P. Gifford, vet eran Baptist minister; Rev. W . P. Nicholson, famous evangelist, now pastor of Los Angeles Christian Alliance Tabernacle;. Mr. Gerald B. Winrod, Baptist editor; Dr. W . C. McCullough, leading pastor of the United Presbyterian church; Dr. Robert Evans, pastor o f the famous Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church of Pasadena; Dr. Rowland V . Bingham, editor of The Evangelical Christian; Dr. A . Z. Conrad, Fundamentalist leader of the Gongregational ranks; Rev. Bob Shuler, the leading light of the Southern Meth odist Church; Dr. Robert E. Speer, Presbyterian leader; Dr. John McNeill, “ the Scottish Spur geon” ; Dr. W . E. Blackstone (Methodist), author of “ Jesus is Coming” ; Dr. W . C. Pearce of the International Sunday School Association; Dr. Cortland Myers, well-known Baptist minister; Dr. William Evans, Presbyterian Bible lecturer; and scores of other church leaders.
chased with His own blood ” and we know that the vast majority of God’s true people are within the fold of the organized church. Necessarily we must differ with many pas- „tors and people because we are committed to a very definite doctrinal basis. These doctrines (held in common with the historic orthodox churches) it is our special mission to emphasize. Our fellowship is with all the members' of Christ’s Body—all who acknowledge the vital truths of salvation. The Bible Institute operates no church and has no thought of starting a new church. Its faculty members are all connected with denomi national churches and active in them. Our stu dents are assigned for their practical work to the churches of their own denominations. The Bible Institute depends upon church members for its support. This magazine is a magazine for every Chris tian home. It will meet prevalent errors with posi tive truths, but it will not engage in “ knocking” pastors and churches. W e aim to carry a message of helpfulness in every issue for pastors, Sunday- school teachers, directors of Christian education, Christian Endeavor leaders, young people, chil dren, shut-ins, fathers and mothers (who conduct the family altar); Gospel musicians.
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