
10C — July 12 - 25, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


E astern PA

Completion of several significant Center City leases Thomas Realty Partners announces transactions

12,106 s/f for McKee Risk Management Jackson Cross Partners secure updated facility


HILADELPHIA, PA — Thomas Realty Partners LLC (TRP) ,

a leading downtown Phila- delphia real estate brokerage firm, is pleased to announce the completion of several office leases in downtown Philadel- phia: One Commerce Square — 10,200 s/f of leasing com- pleted! • Resources Connection, LLC — a staffing/consulting firm will relocate from Two Commerce Square and has signed a five-year lease for 4,600 s/f on the 10th floor. The transaction was completed in cooperation with Tom Weit- zel and Patrick Grenko of Jones Lang LaSalle . • The Colleran Law Firm — this Philadelphia-based personal injury law firm will relocate from the Girard Building, leasing 5,600 s/f on the 19th floor. The transaction was completed in cooperation with Mike Brown of Thomas Realty Partners . Two Commerce Square — 163,000 s/f of leasing com- pleted! •Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP — a global law firm has expanded and re-

Jackson Cross

King of Prussia, PA — Jackson Cross Partners announced today the lease ac- quisition of an updated facility for Philadelphia commercial insurance leader McKee Risk Management . McKee will make the transition from its existing space at 1060 1st Ave. in the Maschellmac Business Park, to the new facility loca- tion at 610 Freedom Business Center Drive in King of Prus- sia. According to John Mor- rissey, Partner with Jackson Cross Partners , “The layout of the new facility is much more conducive to McKee’s business operations and the company’s future growth and expansion potential. The tim- ing of this deal could not have been better. By leveraging McKee’s credit and tenant friendly market conditions, we were able to secure an ex- ceptional deal.” JCP worked in conjunction with Kathy

Sweeney Pogwist of Bran- dywine Realty Trust to ne- gotiate the terms of the deal. McKee Risk Management is a commercial insurance under- writing group based in King of Prussia, PA. McKee has been on the rise in their industry and has been experiencing growth for some time. Clyde McKee , CEO and President of McKee Risk Management commented, “The new layout really improves our overall efficiency and will allow us for some future expansion. We love the appearance of the new space. It’s an updated class of building.” The new property at Free- dom Business Center in- cludes a complete turnkey space, which will be built out to McKee’s specs. The monthly expenses will remain much the same, making it a great deal for McKee financially. The new space is approximately 12,106 s/f. n

Commerce Square

was completed in cooperation with Pete Talman of Jones Lang LaSalle. 1835 Market — 21,326 s/f of leasing completed! • Zajac, Arias and Trichon — the law firm signed a long- term lease totaling 7,400 s/f on the 26th floor. The transaction was completed in cooperation with Pete Shrier of SSH . • PRWT — the business services firm renewed and ex- panded its long-term tenancy for 13,926 s/f on the 9th floor. The transaction was completed in cooperation with Brian Ed- monds of Concordis . n

newed its long-term lease totaling 18,000 s/f on the 39th and 41st floors. • Goodell DeVries Leech & Dann, LLP — will relocate from One Commerce Square, signing a long-term lease total- ing 7,500 s/f on the 37th floor. The transaction was completed in cooperation with Joe Fet- terman and Bob Manekin of Colliers, International . • Reliance Standard Life Insurance — has expanded and extended their legacy in Two Commerce Square, leas- ing 137,663 s/f on floors 11 through 15. The transaction

has recently inked three transactions in June by bro- ker Jarrett Laubach CCIM, of Hawley Realty Inc. PA. Solutionwerks Inc., an industrial engineering firm relocating fromOhio, leased 1,500 s/f at 1150 Glenlivet Dr., Allentown. Laubach represented BioScience Management in their lease Laubach of Hawley Realty inks 18,500 s/f Allen- town, PA — Haw- ley Realty, Inc. , an in- dustrial and commercial real estate b r oke r age firm, head- quartered in Allentown, PA, Jarrett Laubach Allentown. He also repre- sented the owners of 2901 Emrick Blvd. for their 10- year lease of 6,000 s/f in LVIP VI. Transac t i ons t o ta l ed 18,500 s/f of space leased through Laubach’s broker- age services for an aggregate value of $1.16 million. n Traffic Planning & Design: Best Civil Engineering Firm to Work For consulting firms for inspiring their teams to perform at the highest levels through provid- ing distinctive and innovative work environments. In TPD’s 11th year on the list, we have been ranked among the top 20 Civil Engineering firms seven times, coming in at #1 in 2009. CE News is a lead- ing news source in the civil engineering industry that focuses on the distribution of comprehensive business advice, best practices and management tips to guide the industry’s innovators. The complete list of winners is available here. Recently, CE News has also recognized TPD’s executive vice president, Matthew Hammond, PE , as a Rising Star in the Civil Engineering industry. Matt was one of 15 professionals, 40 and under, who have shown exceptional technical capability, leader- ship ability, effective teaching or research, or public service benefitting the profession, their employers, project own- ers and society. During his 18 years at TPD, Matt has continued to extend his reach beyond the firm. n Matthew Hammond During the annual Best Firms To Work For Confer- ence hosted by CENews mag- a z i n e and ZweigWhite, judges an- n o u n c e d T r a f f i c P l ann i ng andDesign, Inc. (TPD) as the # 19 Bes t Ci v i l Engineering Firm to Work For in the nation. This presti- gious competition recognizes outstanding architecture, en- gineering and environmental

NAI Keystone Commercial & Industrial lease 10,340 s/f renewal at 966 Postal Rd.,

The StonePointe Center

Reading, PA — NAI Keystone Commercial & Industrial’s Kyle McKechnie completed the 10,340 s/f, 5 year office lease transaction at the StonePointe Center located at 2525 N. 12th Street, Read- ing, PA. The 1 million+ s/f office/indus- trial facility, owned by Audu- bon Land Development , is a landmark building in Berks County, PA and will be the new headquarters for National Bro- kers of America who will occupy the executive office suites of the 269,000 s/f office portion of the facility. National Brokers of America,

Inc. is an insurance brokerage and comes to Reading relocating from Ohio. The site will be used as their headquarters and sales office for their team of agents and administrative staff operat- ing under the subsidiary Vision- ary Insurance Partners . NAI Keystone is a full service commercial and industrial real estate firm. NAI Keystone main- tains a prominent market share in Berks and Schuylkill Coun- ties. NAI offers various services including but not limited to; Landlord representation, ten- ant representation, consulting services, site development, site selection, and property. n

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