

Collecte de fonds avec des côtes levées

Le Club de lecture TD donne la piqûre du livre aux jeunes

Encore un franc succès pour le RIB Night de la Binerie de Plantagenet qui a eu lieu à l’École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet, le jeudi 25 août. L’évènement servait à amasser des fonds pour le Festival de la bine qui aura lieu au 6150 route 17 à Plantagenet, du 16 au 18 septembre. Évidemment, il permettra de faire goûter aux participants les mets produits par la Binerie. Quelque 380 personnes ont eu la chance de se régaler lors de l’évènement. —photo Maxime Myre NOTICE OF A PROPOSAL TO ENGAGE IN A RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING To be held by Pendleton Energy Centre Limited Partnership regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project Project Name: Pendleton Solar Energy Centre (the Project) Project Location: The Project is located approximately 6 km west of Curran, in the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. The proposed solar facility is located on one parcel of privately-owned land at the south-east corner of County Road 19 and County Road 2, and the proposed connection point to the distribution grid is located immediately adjacent to the


La fête finale du Club de lecture TD 2016, de la bibliothèque publique de Clarence- Rockland, a eu lieu le 25 août à l’arrière de l’École secondaire catholique l’Escale. Le Club de lecture TD est un programme offert aux enfants dans plusieurs bibliothèques publiques canadiennes, dont celle de Cla- rence-Rockland. C’est à 18 h qu’ont commencé les festivi- tés. Les membres de 6 à 12 ans, accompa- gnés de leur famille, ont été félicités pour leurs efforts et leur participation, tout au long de l’été, à la lecture et aux activités hebdomadaires. Quelques enfants ont reçu le prix Mon Livre, qui consistait à lire un certain nombre de pages durant l’été. D’autres enfants se sont démarqués grâce à leur motivation et leurs efforts exception- nels. Plusieurs activités étaient disponibles sur les lieux, telles que des jeux gonflables, peinture de visage et encore plus. Les pom- piers étaient aussi de la partie et ont donné des gâteries aux enfants, tout en les laissant monter à bord de leurs véhicules. Maya Séguin et Monica Gaumond, ani- matrices du Club de lecture TD, ont tenu à remercier tous les gens présents à l’évène- ment ainsi que toutes les familles qui ont participé cette année. Elles estiment que promouvoir la lecture chez les jeunes est un combat constant pour les écoles et les professeurs. Les clubs de lecture contribuent activement à donner la piqûre du livre et de la littérature aux jeunes des générations futures.

property, on the west side of County Road 19. Dated at the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, United Countries of Prescott and Russell, on this WKH¿UVWRI6HSWHPEHU Pendleton Energy Centre Limited Partnership is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a renewable energy approval is required. The distribution of this combined Notice of a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project and Notice of Public Meeting, and the Project itself are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act  WKH$FW 3DUW9DQG2QWDULR5HJXODWLRQ  WKH 5HJXODWLRQ  7KLV 1RWLFH PXVW EH distributed in accordance with section 15 of the Regulation prior to an application being submitted and assessed for completeness by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. Project Description: Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which the project is to be engaged in, is considered to be a Class 3 Solar Facility. If approved, this facility would have a total maximum name plate capacity of 12 MW. The project location is described in the map to the right. Documents for Public Inspection:

6 km to Curran


Project Location Connection Point Road

The Project is being proposed in accordance with the requirements of the Act and Regulation. The Draft Project Description Report titled Pendleton Solar Energy Centre – Draft Project Description Report describes the facility as a solar energy generating facility that will be used to convert solar energy to electricity. A written copy of the Draft Project Description Report has been made available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Township of Alfred and 3ODQWDJHQHWPXQLFLSDORI¿FH 2OG+LJKZD\ DQGRQOLQHDWZZZHGIHQFDSURMHFWVSURMHFWBGLVSOD\SHQGOHWRQVRODUHQHUJ\FHQWUH The Draft Project Description Report will also be made available at the public meeting, described below. Public Meeting Information: A Public Meeting is being held, and stakeholder input collected, as part of the above-noted regulatory process. The meeting will provide the community with the opportunity to meet the Project team, learn more about the proposed Project and the regulatory process, and provide comments and questions regarding the Project. We would appreciate your input and welcome your attendance at our drop-in style meeting. Public Meeting Location: 'DWH7XHVGD\2FWREHU 7LPHSP±SP 3ODFH&XUUDQ)RUXP&DUWLHU6WUHHW&XUUDQ Project Contacts and Information: To learn more about the project proposal, public meeting, or to communicate concerns please refer to the contact information below. Project Email Address: 7ROO)UHH3KRQH1XPEHU(')(1 3URMHFW:HEVLWHZZZHGIHQFDSURMHFWVSURMHFWBGLVSOD\SHQGOHWRQVRODUHQHUJ\FHQWUH Fabiola Oribe , Associate Project Developer and Stakeholder Relations 0 200 400 metres

Edgar Chartrand National Quality Award Member, Million Dollar Round Table

Tel: 613-446-5326 Res: 613-446-1679 Fax: 613-446-2302

2556 Raymond St., Rockland ON K4K 0B6

Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.



Pendleton Energy Centre Limited Partnership -DUYLV6WUHHW6WH7RURQWR210&+ 3KRQH1XPEHU H[W

Tel.: (613) 488-3570 Luc Gareau

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