Hawkesbury sewage upgrade passes smell test RICHARD MAHONEY richard.mahoney@eap.on.ca
“When you are working with an existing plant, you are never sure what you are go- ing to find,” noted Eamon. While construc- tion has been progressing, the plant has re- mained in operation. The success of the job attests to the quality of the parties involved, he said. The work will resolve the station’s defects, which have included inadequate sludge storage and the inability to handle storm water, which has resulted in raw sew-
age entering the Ottawa River during heavy rains. The town was fined $12,500 in 2008 when it admitted that the plant had contra- vened provincial environmental laws. The new facilities meet provincial guidelines, provide capacity for growth, and hold the promise of generating extra revenues. Op- erating and sludge disposal expenses will be reduced when the upgraded plant is fully operational.
HAWKESBURY | The town of Hawkesbury’s upgraded sewage treatment plant passes the smell test – in many senses. At Monday’s meeting, town council members had a chance to sniff a sample of the Class A bio- solids now being produced at the Main Street facility. The treated waste material, which smells like topsoil, is a popular fertilizer, noted Josh Eamon, an engineer with Genivar, who provided an update on the overhaul of the plant. Improved effluent is one of the benefits pro- duced by the new installations. “This is a really big success story,” said Eamon. “Genivar is proud of this and the town should be as well.”Work began in May, 2011 and ought to be completed as scheduled by December, and the project should be wrapped up on or under budget, he told council. The total project cost is $35,648,965. To date, with 96 per cent of the work com- pleted by Asco Construction, $33,608,873 has been spent, leaving a balance of $2,040,092. He added that $245,000 of a $500,000 contingency fund remains. The actual construction budget is $31.4 million; so far, construction expenses have totalled $29,829,111. The engineering allo- cation is $3.7 million while $3.3 million has been spent to date. A sum of $458,319 has been set aside for project management; $392,579 has been expended to date. A ma grande surprise après 30 années d’emploi à temps plein dans le secteur alimen- taire, je me suis retrouvé sans emploi dû à des coupures budgétaires et des mises à pied sous l’effet de la récession. Âgé de 53 ans, j’étais trop jeune pour la retraite mais aussi trop vieux pour tout recommencer. La bonne nouvelle pour moi a été de trou- ver La Cité collégiale et le programme Aide au travailleur indépendant de l’Ontario. Le pro- gramme m’a fourni les outils nécessaires pour le démarrage de ma petite entreprise. Le programme PATIO et les ateliers m’ont guidé pour bâtir mon plan d’affaires inclu- ant une section marketing, tenue de livres, comptabilité, publicité, terminologie finan- cière, conception et création d’un site web, enregistrement provincial & information sur les banques. Tous ces ateliers sont tous im- portants dans la gestion de ma propre petite entreprise. Je suis très heureux de souligner qu’Ontario Hunters Ed est un succès, grâce en parti au programme. Un grand merci aux employés de la Cité collégiale et aux coordon- nateurs du programme PATIO. Ontario Hunters Ed peut maintenant of- frir un service bilingue qui était nécessaire dans l’Est ontarien, dans le domaine de l’’éducation sécuritaire pour les chasseurs.
Hunting rifles stolen The Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) detachment is investigating the theft of eight hunting rifles from a Champlain Township residence sometime between Septem- ber 19 and 29. The theft of weapons and American currency from a Greenlane Road home is being investigated by Constable Luc Dénommée. Harley taken A 2000 Harley Davidsonmotorcycle was stolen September 24 or 25 from a Nelson Street West, Hawkesbury home. The black 1,350 c.c. Softail model bore Ontario licence plate 4521W and had a vehicle identification number JR01W0000055. The motorcycle was parked in the backyard of the residence. Anyone with information about this theft is asked to contact Constable Lise Durocher at 613-632-2729 or 1-888-310-1122. Daylight break-in A daylight robbery at a Du Quai Avenue, Wendover residence September 24 netted crooks an assortment of goods. The investigation would suggest that someone broke into a residence via a basement window. The thief took a black HP Pavilion laptop computer with a white cover, a black HP Notebook laptop, a light blue Canon PowerShot camera, a PlayStation 3 game, with cables and blue controller and a Call of Duty 2 video game. The matter is under investigation by Constable Marc-André Desjardins. Anyone with information about the abovementioned incidents or any other criminal matters can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or the Hawkesbury O.P.P. at 613-632- 2729.
Photo Richard Mahoney Photo Richard Mahoney
The federal and provincial governments are each contributing $11,882,988. The town is financing its share by taking $1.6 million from reserves and borrowing $10.5 million. Eamon recalled that at the outset, a “risky and aggressive” approach was taken in pre- paring for the “very complex” undertaking. Normally, a contingency allowance of $1.5 million to $3 million is created for such large jobs. Working with a $500,000 contingency allowance, the planners budgeted for 16 potential provisional items, worth $2.8 mil- lion. These were “nice to have” items that could be dropped if necessary. In fact, only six of these items, worth about $400,000 were deleted. Mayor René Berthiaume sniffs a bag of biosolids. To my surprise, after 30 years of fulltime employment in the food business, I sudden- ly found myself on the unemployment line due to budget cuts and layoffs as a result of the last recession. At 53 years old, I was too young to retire and too old to start over. The good news for me was finding La Cité Collégiale and their Ontario Self Em- ployment Program (OSEB). The program provided the available tools to start up my own small business. The OSEB program and workshops were able to guide me in the areas of build- ing a business plan including the topics of marketing, bookkeeping, accounting, adver- tising, business law requirements, web-site building, provincial registrations and bank- ing. These workshops are all important fac- tors in running my own small business. I’m now happy to report that “Ontario Hunters Ed.com” is a success in part due to this program. Many thanks to the staff of Cite Collegiale and OSEB program coordi- nators. Ontario Hunters Ed can now offer a much needed bilingual service in Eastern Ontario in the subject of hunter safety edu- cation.
Histoire à succès Success story Je suis Ontario Hunters Ed et voici mon histoire! I am Ontario Hunters Ed &This is My Story!
DÉMARREZ VOTRE ENTREPRISE Vous avez un projet d’entreprise, un rêve à réaliser?
• de rédiger votre plan d’affaires • de déterminer votre profil entrepreneurial • de choisir votre forme juridique • de connaître les sources d’aide financière • d’apprendre les rudiments de la fiscalité d’entreprise, TPS, TVO • de découvrir des notions de gestion et des techniques de vente efficaces • d’adapter les différents outils de marketing à vos besoins • d’obtenir du coaching, de l’appui et des contacts • de maximiser les réseaux d’affaires • de rédiger votre plan d’aff ires de déterminer votre profil entrepreneurial • de choisi votre forme juridique de connaît e les sources d’aid financière • d’apprendre les rudiments de la fiscalité d’entreprise, TVH • de découvrir des notions de gestion et des techniques de vente effi caces • d’adapter les différents outils de marketing à vos besoins • d’obtenir du coaching, de l’appui et des contacts • de maximiser les réseaux d’affaires • de concevoir voir et créer votre site web.
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Lancement d’une entreprise : Formation gratuite de jour et disponible en soirée. Renseignez-vous dès maintenant! Marie Christine Gill, 613 632-2483 poste 29 Formation gratuite. Renseignez-vous dès maintenant! Carole Bertrand, 613 632-2483 poste 4057 La ce ent d’une entreprise :
Les programmes Emploi Ontario sont financés en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.
Ontario Hunter Education
Respecting our enviroment
Gilles Lecompte 613 487-3186 info@ontariohuntersed.com Find us on
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