

Water issues tackled at Cornwall Square

In Eastern Ontario, tens of thousands live along one of the largest, most scenic and economically viable rivers in the world, the St. Lawrence. Six million Canadians access their municipal drinking water from this body of water as well. Special guests for the day included the City of Cornwall Blueprint, Raisin Region Conservation Authority, St. Lawrence River


CORNWALL | The City of Cornwall Blue- print Program and the St. Lawrence Riv- er Institute of Environmental Sciences highlighted water issues at their source,

by partnering with other water spe- cialists during the Water in Your World Showcase , that took place at the Cornwall Square on Novem- ber 20.

Restoration Council, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environ- ment department, Drinking Water Source Protection, Cornwall and Area Birding Club, Ontario

“Water is a vital natural resource that we often take for granted,”

This event featured information stations that highlighted drinking water quality, explored local conservation areas and wet- lands, private well and septic systems, as well as providing much needed tips on how to avoid the household #ooding that we have seen in recent years. “Water is a vital natural resource that we often take for granted,” said Je" Ridal from the River Institute.

Power Generation, Alternative Land Use Services, Transition Cornwall +, as well as the International Secretariat for Water. “The groups and individuals participating in this water showcase are coming together to encourage public education on water,” explained John St. Marseille, general man- ager for Infrastructure and Municipal Works for the City of Cornwall.

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CORNWALL MAZDA sales built on service

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Il semble que le pèreNoël passera par Cornwall unpeuplus tôt cette année, puisque le Centre culturel et Partir d’un bon pas organisent encore une fois leur souper d’antan en guise de collecte de fonds. Un groupe de neuf bénévoles a préparé 60 tartes aux pommes, aux raisins et au sucre. Le menu sera constitué, entre autres, de dinde, de patates, de boulettes, de légumes, de salades de tartes, évidemment. Tous sont invi- tés à ne pas manquer cette soirée annuelle inoubliable qui se tiendra au Centre Agora de Cornwall, le 29 novembre prochain, de 17h à 23h. Les billets sont en vente auprès du Centre culturel ainsi que Partir d’un bon pas. Ci-dessus, on reconnaît, Lucie Hart, présidente du Centre culturel, Louise Bisson, pourvoyeuse, Rachel Larin, conseillère, et Matthieu Hart, bénévole.

613-933-6210 • 1-888-289-6213 3301 Brookdale ave., Cornwall Centre Road

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