
Ottawa Senators contest

 gŏđŏ Champion Mushrooms reçoit un prix

Jusqu’à tout récemment, Shu Lin et Yu Xuan avaient besoin de 55 jours pour produire une récolte dont les rendements étaient relativement faibles. Ils ont donc commencé à peau!ner leur procédé. Ils ont choisi de cultiver leurs champignons sur de plus petits rondins et ont changé la forme de ces rondins a!n d’améliorer l’absorption des nutriments. Ils ont également rajusté les taux d’humidité lors des principales étapes du processus de croissance. Leurs recher- ches ont porté fruit. Le temps de croissance est maintenant de 15 jours et les coûts de main-d’œuvre et de production sont en chute libre. Mieux encore, les rendements et la qualité ont explosé, tendance qui s’est appliquée aux revenus. Ces innovateurs ont donc retenu l’attention pour ce prix qui couronne l’excellence en agroalimentaire.


Champion Mushrooms Ltd. de Cornwall est au nombre des entreprises de la région qui viennent d’être récompensées du Prix de la première ministre pour l’excellence en innovation agroalimentaire. Grâce à la persévérance des entrepre- neurs Shu Lin et Yu Xuan, les supermarchés locaux pourraient bientôt être en mesure d’o"rir des pleurotes locales à leur clientèle. Jusqu’ici, ce champignon ra%né prove- nait surtout des États-Unis, de l’Europe et de l’Asie. Grâce aux techniques de culture perfectionnées par l’entreprise ontarienne Champion Mushrooms, cela pourrait bi- entôt changer.

Photo: Francis Racine

The director of the Cornwall Journal , Roger Burelle (right), congratulates Sean McGillivray, the winner of the Ottawa Senators contest published in our November 5 edition. McGillivray won a pair of tickets for last Saturday’s game between the Senators and St. Louis.

Fire Extrication Day 2014

Submitted picture

The St. Lawrence College second-year paramedic students recently spent a day train- ing with the Cornwall Fire Department at their station on Second Street, for Fire Ex- trication Day 2014. For the morning portion, the class was divided into three groups. One group attended safety talks given by "re"ghters in relation to safety while work- ing at motor vehicle accidents, such as air bags, bumper hazards and electric hybrid cars. A second group was familiarized with "re trucks at the station and the appara- tus carried on the vehicles that could be used in extrication and rescue situations. The third group was outside in the parking lot, putting out small propane "res with "re extinguishers and had the opportunity to handle a "re hose as well. “It was a valu- able training day, which we have been doing here with the Cornwall Fire Department for seven years.” said Paramedic program coordinator Daniel Shannon. After lunch with the "re crew, the "re"ghters and paramedic students returned to the parking lot for a staged motor vehicle accident. A donated van and small car were crashed together and paramedic students got to play the roles of trapped victims, bystand- ers and paramedic rescuers. The "re crew then demonstrated how they would assist them by using special power tools to provide access. 30 city employees recognized The City of Cornwall hosted an Employee Recognition Night at the Cornwall Civic Complex on November 14 to honour retirees and long service employees. A total of 30 employees were recognized for having completed 25 years of service or more with the City, while another 28 employees who retired this year were honoured for their produc- tive careers. “We have a committed team of public servants throughout the City pro- viding important services to our residents on a daily basis,” said CAO Norm Levac. “The Employee Recognition Night is a great way to honour these individuals and celebrate our collective success.”

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