
Real Estate Journal — July 11 - 24, 2014 — 23A


M id A tlantic

F acility M anagement 2010 Mid-AtlAntic BUildinGS & FAcilitiES MAnAGEMEnt SHOW & cOnFEREncE


By Paul Romas, Lasertech Floorplans Laser-Accurate Floor Plans

Real estate professionals, architects, building owners, facilities managers and con-

reflected ceiling plans, pow- er/communication plans, suite drawings, emergency evacuation plans and pa- per-cAd conversions. We also support the latest ad- vances in architectural and construction management (BiM, or Building informa- tion Modeling) with 3d Revit and point cloud scanning. Projects have ranged from single building existing con- dition surveys to multiple- site drawings for over 1,000 locations for institutional owners. As an official interpreter of the BOMA floor measurement standards since from 2004- 2010, we have been able to

assist many customers with not only the interpretation of these standards but also with the preparation of the BOMA analyses that estab- lishes accurate usable and rentable square footage. We here at lasertech certify that each and every measurement complies not only with the BOMA standards but that all measurements are between 0.5 and 1.5% tolerances. We back our certification with our E&O insurance policy, which demonstrates our commit- ment to accurate information. Paul Romas is Vice Presi- dent of Business Develop- ment at Lasertech Floor- plans.

mon area charges, only to find out that the information that these questions are based on, namely accurate as-built or existing condition drawings, is incorrect? this is why laser tech Floorplans, founded in 1998, has measured and drawn over 400 million square feet of government, office, retail, educational/college, indus- trial and institutional space throughout north America. We realized that this one common thread in many real estate related issues needed to be addressed properly and cost effectively. Our services include 2d floor plans, lease plans,

s t r u c t i o n managers a l l h a v e one thing in common – they al l need ac - curate, de- tailed floor

Paul Romas

plans of the facilities that they are responsible for selling, building, renovating, manag- ing or developing. How many times has a question been raised over actual square footage, exact room and floor dimensions or the % space occupied by tenants for com-

As-Built Drawings • BOMA Certifications • 3D Modelling WE MEASURE BUILDINGS.

Official BOMA Recognized Floor Measurement Standards Interpreter

In today’s highly competitive Commercial Real Estate industry, there has never been a greater need for accurate, CAD based, As-Built Floorplans. LASERTECH ® has developed the technology and a range of services on a cost effective , international basis.

www. l t-f p.com Call Toll Free: 1-888-825-2112

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