26A — January 11 - 24, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
By the Delaware State Chamber Emory Hill Cos. wins 2012 “Superstars” Award
By Montgomery County Bar Association Two attorneys of Kaplin Stewart appointed as Chairs
at Kap l i n S t e w a r t . His practice is concen- t r a t e d i n the areas of commercial l i t igat i on, a n d c o n - s t r u c t i o n and surety
Chair of the Construction and Public Contract Law Commit- tee for 2013. As a member of the Commercial Litigation and Construction Law groups at Kaplin Stewart Quinter represents entities involved in all levels of construction projects, including owners, general contractors, subcon- tractors and sureties. Quinter also has extensive experience litigating complex commercial cases, insurance coverage, bad faith issues, unemploy- ment compensation benefits and employment law. He is a member of various trade and business organizations and he is regularly published in national, regional and local publications. n tor, S uffolk Construction , designed and constructed the parking facilities to incorpo- rate a variety of uses, such as retail space and provisions for possible future housing or academic uses. With user convenience in mind, TimHaahs designed the garages to empty within 40 minutes, as well as strate- gically placed the facilities at the four corners of the playing field. In terms of architectural design, the TimHaahs team remained consistent with Miami’s vivacious, energetic environment and reflected that ambiance in the facilities through bright colors, comple- mentary lighting accents, and façade enhancements. n and James Cassidy were each recognized as Top Sales Agents across the DC region. For 2012, the team expects to close approximately $1 billion in investment sales. Over the past two years, Cas- sidy Turley’s national Capital Markets group has added market-leading executives including Noble Carpenter , who leads the group’s nation- al strategy, Bart Steinfeld , Stephen Pearlman , Jose Alvarez and Graham Ste- phens in NewYork; Bob Gil- ley , Steve Hermann , Terry Daly and Kurt Scheidt in San Francisco; David Pergo- la Jr. and Brian Doherty in Boston; Beth Lambert-Saul and DiegoArroyave in Dal- las; and AndrewHouston in New Jersey. n
Mohammad A. Ghiasud- din, Esq. , a p r i n c i p a l o f Kap l i n Stewart in Blue Bell, PA, has been
Shown from left: Steve Lehm, President of VanDemark & Lynch, Inc – Superstars in Business Planning Committee Chair, Martha Gilman Vice President of Gilman Development Company – Fundraising Chair, Carmen J. Facciolo, Jr., President of Emory Hill (Superstars Winner), Rich Heffron, Interim President, Delaware State Chamber of Com- merce, Pam Cornforth, Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House of Delaware & Co-chair of the Small Business Alliance
Mohammad A. Ghiasuddin, Esq.
Joshua C. Quinter, Esq.
law. He represents contrac- tors, construction managers, bonding companies and de- sign professionals along with other businesses in a variety of industries. Joshua C. Quinter, Esq. , a principal of Kaplin Stewart in Blue Bell, PA, has been ap- pointed by the Montgomery County Bar Association as
appointed by the Montgomery County Bar Association as Chair of the Diversity Com- mittee for 2013, his second year in that position. Ghia- suddin has been an active member of the Diversity Com- mittee since its founding in 2008. Ghiasuddin is amember of the Commercial Litigation and Construction Law groups
NEW CASTLE, DE — The Emory Hill Companies were recently awarded the 2012 Marvin S. Gilman Super- stars in Business Award by the Delaware State Cham- ber at the Hotel du Pont Gold Ballroom. Named for one of Delaware’s leading small business entre- preneurs, The Superstars in Business Award is the Dela- ware State Chamber’s highest business honor bestowed on companies for their outstand- ing achievements and model approaches to business and management. Carmen Facciolo, Jr. , pres- ident of Emory Hill Real Es- tate, Inc., accepted the award, thanking his staff who he referred to as “family,” saying they are the “glue” that holds the company together, and that their team efforts are what make the firm so successful. He
also attributed the company’s success to its diversification to get through tough times, its loyal clientele, its innovative strategies and its giving back to the community. “The company prospers thanks to its beliefs in quality and integrity, an innovative team approach and community involvement,” said Richard Heffron , Interim president of the State Chamber, in present- ing the award. Now in its 31st year, Emory Hill provides commercial bro- kerage, construction, property management and maintenance as well as residential real estate sales to Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region. The company was founded by Rob- ert H. Hill and Clay Emory , and was joined by partner Fac- ciolo in 1983 and has offices in New Castle, Dover and Lewes, Delaware. n Dannenfelser specializes in industrial landlord and tenant representation along the In- terstate 95 Corridor, including Baltimore City and Baltimore, Harford, Cecil and Howard counties. His transaction experience includes leasing, acquisition and disposition of office, industrial, commercial and investment property, and his clients include Stewart Associates , Red Leaf Devel- opment , Madison Square Federal Savings Bank , TA Realty Associates , Shep- pard Pratt Health System and Wolf Enterprises . Dannenfelser is a Certi- fied Commercial Investment Member (CCIM ) candidate and member of the NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association . He earned his bachelor’s de- gree from the University of Delaware in Newark, DE. Dannenfelser lives in Hunt Valley, MD. n
TimHaahs in conjunction with architect Daly, win design award for Marlins Parking Garage
MIAMI, FL—The Florida ParkingAssociation (FPA) recently named the Florida
Marlins Ball- park Parking Garages the w i n n e r o f their annual design com- petition in the New De- sign catego- ry. The FPA
sociates, Inc. (TimHaahs) , in conjunction with architect, Leo A. Daly , designed four parking structures to provide spectators and the surround- ing community with conve- nient parking options. For the stadium, rich in history and culture, the TimHaahs team, which included contrac- Marlins Ballpark Parking Garage
Timothy Haahs
is a professional organization that commits itself to enhanc- ing the image of parking by promoting and representing the parking industry in the State of Florida. For the Marlins’ new state- of-the-art MLB stadium, Timothy Haahs and As-
Dannenfelser of Colliers | Baltimore recognized for top performance
COLUMBIA, MD — David Dannenfelser , managing director and principal for
Colliers In- ternational in Baltimore, received the 2012 Ever- est Award from Colliers Internation- al. The Ever- e s t Awa r d r e c o gn i z e s
WASHINGTON, DC — Cassidy Turley, a leading commercial real estate servic- W. Collins & P. Collins promoted to vice chairmen of Cassidy Turley DC. Its sales transaction volume combined with the DC Finance team’s achieve- ments resulted in the Greater Washington Commercial As- sociation of Realtors’ (GW- CAR) 2011 Investment Sales / Financing Firm of the Year award. Additionally, the In- vestment Sales team won GWCAR’s 2011 DC Sales Transaction of the Year for the $356 million sale of 1100 and 1101 4th Street at Water- front Station, and the 2011 Maryland and Virginia Sales Transaction of theYear for the $350 million sale of Washing- ton Real Estate Investment Trust’s DC Metro Portfolio. Bill Collins was named the GWCAR Broker of the Year for 2011, while Paul Col- lins, Drew Flood, Jud Ryan Paul Collins es provider in the U.S., has promot- ed William Collins and Paul Col - lins , leaders of the Wash- ington, DC, Capital Mar- kets team, to vice chairmen, and also promoted Washing- ton, DC, Capital Markets executives Drew Flood , James Cassidy and Jud Ryan to executive managing directors. Cassidy Turley’s DC invest- ment sales team is the top producing office investment sales group in Washington,
David Dannenfelser
Colliers International brokers performing among the top 10 percent in North America. “We’re proud Dave Dannen- felser was recognized as one of the top performers within Colliers International,” said Timothy R. Hearn, CEO of Colliers International in Bal- timore. “His success is an ex- ample of how well positioned both Dave and our company in general are to serve clients locally, nationally and inter- nationally.”
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