
Flu season levels out NEWS

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The flu is still trying to spread its viral ten- tacles throughout Eastern Ontario. The good news is that the number of cases this season is lower than last year. “I think we’re seeing a plateau,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, chief medical health of- ficer for the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), during a phone interview Feb. 7. He observed that the 68 reported cases of influenza so far for the 2013-2014 winter season is lower compared to the same time during the 2012-2013 winter period when 100 cases were reported. Dr. Roumeliotis also noted that there is a higher percentage of H1N1 type influenza among flu incidents reported. The primary targets for H1N1 are youth and middle-aged people. Dr. Roumeliotis noted that people in those age categories tend not to bother getting their flu shots but he declined to state that is the main reason for the higher percentage of H1N1 cases this season. The EOHU-sponsored flu clinics recorded more than 8000 vaccinations by the end of December 2013, which Dr. Roumeliotis de- scribed as “a good response” to the annual flu vaccination campaign. The vaccine now available for influenza immunization campaigns through either public health clinics or through medical clinics and drugstores which provide flu shots is effective against HIN1, the two types of A flu virus and the B strain of virus. Dr. Roumeliotis noted that the peak sea- son for the A strains is during January and February while the B variant peaks during March. “So we’re still not out of the woods yet,”he said, adding that anyone who has not got- ten their flu shot should do so for protec- tion against the B strain.

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