Filmed on location, Titan Talk is a one-on-one interview between you and Eddie Wilson, CEO of Think Realty and the American Association of Private Lenders. This personal endorsement carries extensive publicity, marketing opportunities, and bragging rights, naming you as the exclusive Titan of your real estate sector for a year.
What’s Included
• A one-on-one, 20-minute video interview by Eddie Wilson filmed on location. • A featured article in Think Realty Magazine and Private Lender magazine, with the article publicized as a preview line item on the cover and highlighted in the corresponding newsletter. • A Titan Talk web page dedicated to you as the exclusive Titan of your real estate sector for 12 months. The page will headline your video interview, profile, featured article, and other articles by you. • Your video interview posted on Eddie Wilson’s social media pages and website, and the Think Realty Podcast page. • Six social media posts on Think Realty and AAPL’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
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