

Activities. The Department of Music provides opportunities for experience in se\'eral t\'pes of \·ocal and in st rumental ensembles. including the Biola Chorale. Oratorio Chorus. Womens Glee Club. Brass Ensemb le. and String and Wood11"ind Ensemble. The Los Angeles Chapter of the American Guild of Organists sponsors a Student Chapter. The l\ationa l Church Music Fellowship and the Music Educators ·at ional Conference also han· orga nized Student Chapters. As part of the training program. informal rec itals are given by all those receiving indi\·idual instruction in applied music. Periodically the more advanced students are presented in pubii c recital. Graduation reci tals are presented by seniors with an applied music major. Attendance at all music recitals is required of music majors. Opportunities . Th e increasing st ature of Los Angeles as a music center pro\'ides exceptional opport uniti es for hearing leading artists. One of the nation's outstanding S) mphon) urc lwstras. the Philharmonic of Los Angeles, µresents two series of concerts each season. ln the field of cl.amber music the Music Guild pro\·ides an add iti ona l series . Students are offered furth er oppor­ tunity to hear the best in sacred music provided b\· rnrious churches of the Los Angeles area. Service Opportunities. The MPtropolitan area furnishes many opportunities for remunerati1•p sen·ice in the field of music. There are frequent openings for competent organ ists. choir directors. soloists. and accompanists. both in churches and on various radio and television programs. Scholarships. Service scho larsh ips covering tuiti on and aµplied music fees are available for certain musically talent ed students evidencing character and academic ability. Inquiries should be di reeled to the chairman of the depart­ ment. Graduation Requirements. Chun;h Music and Music Education majors must complete one year of practical training as a choir director or as an assistant to a churc h music director. Student s using organ as a principal instrument in th ese majors must serve one year as organi st in a local church. Applied music majors must present Junior and Senior recitals. Majors. Two professional majors leading to the Bachelor of Music degree are offered: Applied Music and Church Music. A non-professional major designed for students preparing [or elementarv school teaching and leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree is also offered. Entrance requirements for an App li ed Music Major: Piano. Students must present work equivalent to the following: Studies of Heller, Op . 45, 46. 47; Czerny, Op. 299; Bach, Short Preludes and Fuges, Two-Part Inventions, sonatinas by Clementi. Kuhlau; easie r sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven; and comparable selections from the romant ic and modern periods, e.g. Mendelssohn. Songs Without Words, and Debussy, Children's Corner. Voice. The student should be able to sing on pitch a standard song in English and read a simple song at sight. An e lementary knowledge of the piano and of the rudiments of music is required. 52

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