

Department Major in Applied Music. 82 unils , of which 44 are upper divi­ sion, 8 are music activity and ensemb le, and 34 are app li ed, of which 32 are on the principal instrument. Department Major in Church Music. 71 units of which 40 are upper divi­ sion, 8 are musi c activity and ensemble, and 12 are applied. The applied are to be taken as follows:

1. Organ: 8 units of organ, 2 of vo ice, 2 eiec tives

2. Piano: 8 units of piano , 2 of voice, 2 elect ives

3. Voice: 8 units of vo ice, 2 of piano, 2 organ 4. An orchestral instrument: 8 units of the principal instrument, 2 of voice, 2 of piano or organ. Non-professional Department Major. Pre-major requirement: 22 units, including 12 units of Theory, 4 of History and Litera ture, 2 of Choral Con­ ducting, and 4 of App li ed. Major rcq uiremenl: 24 uµp er division units , including 6 units of Theory, 4 units of History and Literature, 2 un its of Choral Conducting. 2 units of In strumental Conducting, 6 units of Applied, and 4 units of Activity and Ensemb le. A proficiency exam inati on in piano is required for grad uati on. Non-professional Depa rtment Major ( open only to Elementary Education students). Pre-major requirement: 6 units of Theory. Major requirement: 30 upper divi sion units, including 6 of Theory. 8 of History and Literature, 2 of Choral Conductin g. 3 of Music in th e Eleme nt ary School, 7 of Applied, and 4 of Activity and Ensemble. A proficiency examination in piano is required for gradua ti on.


101. THEORY I. (2 ) Fundamentals of notat ion. sca les , intervals, primary triads, dominant seventh chord . Corequisite: 111 102. THEORY II. (2) Secondar y triads. non- chord tones, secondary seven th chords, altered chords, modulati on. Corequisite: 112 111. DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING I. ( l J Dictati on and reading of me lodies based on the harmonic material of 101. Corequisi te: 101 112. DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING II. (1) Dictation and readi ng of melodies based on the harmonic material of 102. Corequisite: 102 53

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