101, 102. BASIC LANGUAGE. READING. AND COMPOSITION. (3, 3) Reading improvemen t and training in composition stressing logic, argu ment, and evaluation, 11 ith the application of the fundamentals of writing to the preparation of long compositions. including the research paper. 101 is prerequisite for 102. 103. 10+. INTRODUCTfO,\I TO RHETOHIC AND CHITfCISM Consideration of the basic elements of o ral and 1nitten communication as a basis for the irnpro1·ement of the studenfs abilit) to communicate his own thought and to understand the thought of others. Extensive work in critical reading and composition. includ ing tht:> research paper. 103 is prerequisite for 10-L Open tu students with exceptiona l secon dary school grades and cu llt>ge placement test sco res in English and composition. Those 1d10 pass this co urse are exempt from Speech 101. 200. MASTERPIECES. l3.I A consideration of some of the outstanding literary II orks. 201, 202 . ENGLISH LITERATURE. l 3-3 1 A survey of poetry and prose from Beowulf to the present, including some of the masterpieces. 203. JOURNALISM. (3) Survey of the journalistic field and ev aluation of vocational opportuni ties afforded. Introduction to the skills required for experience in the field. 300. DIRECTED READING. l 1-3 J Selected reading in areas (or periods) of defici ency of the student, as determined by consultation with the instructor. 304. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE. (31 A consideration of the major works of the seventeenth century, with particular emphasis upon Milton . 305. BIOGRAPHY. (3) A study of biographies and autobiographies from Bede to the twentieth century. 307. RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION. (3) Selected works from representative English writers. 309. AMERICAN LITERATURE. (3) A consideration of the outstanding contributors of American literature from the Colonial period to the Civil War.
Principal writers from the Civil War to the present.
Major writers of the English Romantic Period , 1784-1832.
A survey of major Greek and La tin writers. 60
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