(3) counseling interviews with members of the faculty of the Schoo l of Nursing, (4) physical examinations conduc ted at Student Health Service of the School of Nursing, (5 ) demonstrated aptitudes, as measured by a series of tests required by the School of Nursing. To qualify for admission to the Biola Nursing Program, the student must satisfy the faculty of the College and th e School of Nursing th at she possesses the personal characteri sti cs essential fo r the practice of Chris ti an nursing education. A coordinating program has been developed which involves three organi zations and a co -ordinator. The three organizati ons involved are: Biola Col lege, Los Angeles County General Hospital School of Nursing, and East Los Angeles College. The co-ordinator is Miss Leonie V. Soubirou, Professor of Nursing in Biola College and Dean of Biola Schoo l of Missionary Medicine. This program will require the completion of specific courses as outlined in the ca talogs of both Bi ola College and Los Ange les County General Hospital School of Nursing. During the first and fifth years the student will be on the College campus. During the second, third , and fou rth years the student will be in residence in the School of Nursing. The result of successful completion of such a program would be: (1) the obtaining of a diploma in Nursing from Los Angeles County General Hospital School of Nursing, (2) the qualifying for an opportunit y to be licensed as a registered nurse in the State of Ca lifornia, (3) the obtaining of a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Biologica l Science and Nursing. The required courses in Bible are so sched ul ed throughout the entire five -year period that they will assis t in fe llowship and continuing communi ca tion during the demanding years in the hospi ta l nursing program. Actually, the tak ing of these courses durin g thi s period will enable the studen t to be enrolled in Bi ola thr oughout the entire fi ve-year period. The student will also be resp onsibl e to meet th e Chri stian stand ards of Biola as we ll as the rules of the School of Nursing. 101. NURSING PHILOSOPHY. (3) ' A study of the basic concepts, ethi cs, and lega l principles , involved in the practice of nursing. A survey of the nursing needs of ad ults and chi ldren in hospital and communit y se ttin gs at home and abroad. Provides a basis for the interpretati on of the fundamen tal issues of nursing, the develop ment of resources to meet the needs rea li sti call y. 402. NURSING: MISSIONS SEMINAR. (3) An evaluation with criti cal appraisal of nursing servi ces offered in hospitals and clinics in fo reign countr ies. Seminar assignments of a definit e geographica l area for a comprehensive survey of the nursing needs and services, inc luding hi story and trends. 69
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