
Our merchants wish you a great vacation. Be careful. Nos marchands vous souhaitent de bonnes vacances. Soyez prudents! 4ways golfers can improve their mental game

Golf is one of the most mentally challenging sports. Here are four tips to help you stay in the zone while you’re on the links. 1. DON’T DWELL ON BAD SHOTS No one wants to hook the ball into the trees or pencil in a triple-bogey. However, you need to be able to move on from a bad shot to focus on the next one. Strategies for dea- ling with a disappointing hole include chat- ting with your playing partners and plan- ning your next shot. 2. HAVE A PRE-SHOT RITUAL Following the same procedure before every shot can help you relax and get into the right head space. Many golfers like to be consistent down to the number of practice swings and waggles they do.

3. VISUALIZE SUCCESS Confidence canmake a big difference. If you visualize yourself attaining the desired re- sult before each shot, you may find you per- form better. Moreover, this can help you work out a strategy for approaching a hole. 4. STAY HEALTHY Taking care of your body will help ensure you remain mentally sharp. Drink plenty of water, eat a nutritious meal and warm up before you hit the links. You’ll feel looser and more alert. By mastering your mental game, you’ll be able to shave a few strokes off your score- card and make this challenging sport more enjoyable.




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