203. 204. RADIO WORKSHOP. (1-1) Introduction to radio broadcasting, including programming, script writing, pro duction and microphone technique. 212. BEGINNING ORAL INTERPRETATION. (2) Development of techniques in oral reading; intensive practice in the reading of various types of literature. 224. VOICE AND DICTION. (2) Development of tone porduction, breath control, voice projection, pronunciation, and articulation. Extensive use of individual and class exercises. 244. SPEECH WORKSHOP. (2) Practice in the arts of contest speaking. Intensive practice 1n extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking, debating, and oratory. 307, 308. PRIVATE SPEECH. (2,2) Designed to meet the individual speech needs of the student. Problems of voice improvement, speech performance, and program planning. 31 1. ART OF INTERPRETATION. (3) Basic theory and technique of oral reading; emphasis on the development of reading skills; intensive practice in various liter ary forms. 314. STORYTELLING. (2) The educational use of the story, analysis and classification of stories for particular age groups; practice in the art of cutting, adaptation, and actual story-tell ing. Designed to meet the n eeds of teachers. 322. CORRECTIVE SPEECH METHODS . (2) Etiology, diagnosis, and prognosis of speech cases found on the elementary school level. Speech emphasis given to articulatory and rhythm disorders. Designed particularly to train prospective teachers. 341, 342. FORENSICS. (1, 1) Practical speech experi ence in contest speaking; inter-collegiate speech activity. 401. ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING. (2) The composition and delivery of speeches appropriate for professional and civic occasions with study of audience psychology. Prerequisite: 101, 102 402, 403. CLINICAL TECHNIQUES IN SPEECH CORRECTION. (3-3) Diagnostic and remedial procedures for speech disorders. Management of actual cases under staff supervision. 4-04. HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADDRESS. (2) Analyses of outstanding speeches and sermons from ancient to modern tinies, pertinent biographical factors, and relative historical data. 4-05. DISCUSSION AND PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. (2) A study of the theory and methods of group discussion and social gatherings. 462. SPEECH RESEARCH. (2) Consideration of the elements and techniques of research. Guided research m speech areas that are profitable to the student. 48
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