King's Business - 1954-04

Out of the


Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science, Bioia Bible College

The Creation

I n the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:- 1). This short verse sums up the Christian thought on the origin of the world and the universe. Although this statement might suffice for the Christian, the scientist is not satis­ fied, for he is an inquisitive fellow who is interested in finding out all he can about how the cosmos was formed. Last month we saw how this curiosity of the scientist has led him to conclude, on the basis of scientific evidence, that there was a beginning to the universe. This month let us consider some of the scientific thought about the nature of this beginning. Although all the details are not known, the scientist within recent years has accumulated sufficient data to propose several plausible schemes. The one we will discuss will be that suggested by George Gamow in his recent book The Creation of the Uni­ verse*. We saw in our previous considera­ tion that the scientific evidence sug­ gested a “ day of creation” about 3-4 billion years ago. About this time the material in the universe started expanding. This expansion is still going on today as evidenced by the very high rate of speed with which the billions of galaxies in our uni­ verse are flying away from each other out into space. What the nature of the universe was before the day of creation nobody knows. However, it is very probable that the period of expansion was preceded by a period of collapse during which the mass of the universe was very highly com­ pressed. This compression was so ex­ treme that even the atoms were bro­ ken down into the protons, neutrons and electrons which composed them. This compressed mass had a very high density which one estimate has placed at one hundred thousand bil­ lion times greater than the density

of water. At such a density one cub­ ic inch of space would contain about sixteen hundred million tons of mat­ ter. From this very condensed state, then, the universe began to expand. As the expansion proceeded the var­ ious nuclear particles (protons and neutrons) began to aggregate into the atomic nuclei which are found in our atoms today. According to this theory the whole process of atom formation took place in less than an hour so that within this short span of time all of the atoms found in the universe today are thought to have been built. Thus, not only do we have evidence for a sudden be­ ginning but there is suggested the appearance of all the matter in the universe within the span of an hour. True this matter is not in the shape we find it in today, nevertheless most of it was there. This then is the suggestion of one scientist as to how the universe be­ gan. You will note that according to this theory it was in the beginning that all of the material which makes up the earth and the bodies of the heaven was formed. Which means that the material of the earth came into existence the same time as the material’ which composes the sun, stars and other heavenly bodies. All of this,, of course, is in perfect agree­ ment with the first verse of Genesis. Thus the Christian expectation is be­ ing fulfilled, that as the scientist discovers more and more about na­ ture there is coming that closer agree­ ment with the Word of God. After this first event then the celes­ tial bodies began to take on the shape they have today. Next month we will consider a suggestion as to how the earth developed its present form. END. *Published by The Viking Press, New York, 1952.

T he present neighborhood is undergoing rapid change. The Jewish people are moving to Chicago’s north side.. To them the American Messianic Fellowship is sent with the Good News. It is as though “ the pillar and the cloud” were indicating it is time to move. God must open the way. After a search of nearly six months, at- tentipn was focussed upon an attractive building which might prove adequate. Con­ sideration was given to the area, cost, ad­ vantages, possibilities for ministry. An offer was made. The owners said: “ Too low.” An impasse—resulting in prayer, discussion, and more prayer, out of which came stronger conviction that the move north should be made, and soon. How did God answer? Another excellent property in the same neighborhood became available. Worth at least fifteen thousand more, we secured it at a cost little more than the other. Funds for down payment, plus mortgage, make purchase possible. Sale of west-side quarters will help liquidate the mortgage before long. Joyfully expecting to move within the year to 7446-48 N. Damen Ave., plans are being made for increasingly effective work. Pray for these important changes. Ask God to enable, in His power and wisdom, the fulfillment of His purposes in the many fields of the A.M.F. Praise God that the Gospel marches on among the Jews. In Chicago the work among teen-agers is thrilling. In Tampa Christian Hebrews are being baptized and joyfully witnessing. It is hoped soon an assistant will be added to the staff there. In Israel, a new Henry J. will soon fa­ cilitate the travels of the faithful mission­ ary. Even the Hebrew press in the land has reviewed rather favorably the tract he has written, which seeks to convince the Jews that they can be true Christians and also loyal citizens of the Jewish State. To learn more of the work and to be­ come a prayer helper, write for free sam­ ple of the A.M.F. Monthly. Ask concern­ ing tracts and instructions for witnessing to Jewish friends. AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP (formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission) 818 Independence Blvd. Chicago 24, Illinois 21

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