Project One Energy and Utilities - Change and Transformation

Energy IT Transformation Spotlight On: Programme Delivery

FTSE100 Global Net Zero Transformation Programme Spotlight On: Programme Mobilisation and Delivery

Challenge: We all know that any large-scale

Challenge: Our customer, a global FTSE100 organization, had made a number of carbon reductions commitments, aligned to the Race to Zero pledge and developed a cross-enterprise carbon and Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction strategy, engaging all areas of the business and led by the Corporate Centre​ The customer now wanted to ‘bring the programme to life’ by mobilising the activity into workstreams, implementing governance and control processes to create momentum and structure, and developing clear and consistent monitoring and reporting processes to ensure progress was tracked and the outcomes delivered Approach: Project One were engaged to lead the definition and development of the programme organisation structure and governance, central programme office team, operating processes and reporting mechanism and ensure that the programme was mobilised in order to start delivering the outcomes of the carbon and GHG emissions reduction strategy​ In addition, Project One was asked to coach the workstream leads in best practice programme governance and delivery activity to help build enduring programme delivery capability

Outcomes: The programme was mobilised with effective governance and control processes including a meeting and reporting cadence, Level 0, 1 and 2 programme and workstream plans, regular reports up to Board level​ Workstream Leads improved their knowledge and capability in programme management and delivery.

transformation is challenging. But when you’re implementing a technology-enabled transformation, in an organisation owned by its customers, operating the world’s largest single marketplace in a heavily regulated industry, serving 24 million consumers, then ‘challenging’ becomes the new norm​ Our customer was undertaking the largest SAP IS-U implementation in the world and about to launch a three-year programme when he reached out to Project One for help pulling it all together Approach: The company had to deliver a new central gas settlement system as part of the UK Link Replacement Programme (UKLP), centred around SAP Utilities​ The programme was also a key enabler for the GB Smart Metering Implementation Programme, providing improved capability to process the increased volumes of meter reads that will be generated by mass smart meter roll-out​ The programme involved extensive participation from Gas Shippers, Gas Transporters and the whole company. The regulator Ofgem, had an end-to-end sponsorship role given the risks to consumers of a failed implementation​ A major +£100m IT re-platforming programme was mobilised in 2014, with Project One joining Q4 2015 to stabilise the programme, then re- plan and drive delivery

“It is about bringing in knowledge and experience to add to your own knowledge and experience. Through passing that knowledge and experience on, our people are richer at the end than they were at the start. With the knowledge and experience that the Project One team has, it is important that they don’t just come and only do a job but they help to enrich the ability of our company and its people.” Chief Information Officer Central Data Service provider

Outcomes: The programme successfully went live in June 2016.



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