Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr. June 2018


The Law Office of James R. Snell Jr., LLC 123 Harmon Street Lexington, SC 29072

Don’t hesitate to give our office a call! 803-753-1476

Inside this Issue

How to Handle Premises Liability PAGE 1

RV vs. Tent Camping Snell Law’s Polygraph Expert PAGE 2

3 Fathers Who Risked It All for Their Kids Father’s Day Chili Lime Chicken Wings PAGE 3

Snell Law Office Happenings PAGE 4

Kids’ Day of Lexington Having Fun While Giving Back underestimated, because we ran out well before the event was over. Next year, we’ll have to make at least 1,000. In addition to supporting this amazing community endeavor, we’ve been busy putting our name and the faces behind it out there. We were featured on the cover of Lexington Life magazine’s May issue and got featured in a spread in Columbia Metropolitan magazine. It means a lot to be prominent members of our wonderful community, so it’s a great privilege to be featured in these publications. As election season gets into full swing, we’ll also be doing some pop-ins with politicians. It’s very important to us that our local and state legislatures represent the needs of our clients. Since we’re in a position to have important conversations about issues, we feel it’s our responsibility to do so. Back at the office, we’re gearing up for a busy summer season. Luckily, our new location has a working A/C system. No matter how high the temperature climbs, you can rest assured that we’ll stay calm, cool, and collected while handling your case.

berof lawyersper capita andplentiful lit- igation opportunities,Mr. Snell decided to stay in Lexington. Although techni- cally a transplant, he has deep ancestral rootswithin the area and is adescendant

lemswith a “sense of urgency,” saysMr. Snell. “I encourage same-day appoint- ments, and we try to get started right away. It’s not unusual for us to begin fil- ing legalmotions and working with an

“I enjoy situationswherewe canmakeadifference,and really feel goodabout the serviceweareproviding.”

ofBarbara “Granny”Corley, a founderof the townwhosename is engravedon the historicalmarker at theold courthouse. Hisfirstclientswere referred tohimby other local lawyers when they were not interested in taking their cases.Thus, he became involved in “all typesof lawsuits” relating to loan closings, bankruptcies, disability hearings, contested farm per- mits, and family court. “Iwas fortunate to be able to begin signing clients imme- diately,”he says, “and that’s continued.” Mr. Snell estimates that the firm is currently handlingmatters in about 20 counties throughout SouthCarolina,but in2007, theybegan to focusmoreonpur- suing criminal cases.Today, “We arebest known for the criminal defense side of thepractice,”explainsMr.Snell. “There is

investigator the samedaywe arehired.” “We still, however, do a very steady stream ofpersonal injury,”he adds. “I’ve obtainedmillions of dollars in compen- sation forclients inautomobileaccidents, workers’ compensation, medical, and premises liability cases.” Additionally, the firm works in cer- tain “niche areas” including uncontested adoptions, appeals, name changes, and judgment collection. “I’m also very in- terested about becomingmore involved withmass torts,” saysMr. Snell. “That is a reallyexcitingpracticearea forus; there is a bigneed tohelp local residentswith injuries causedbyprescriptiondrugs.” Since those early days,Mr. Snell has grownhispractice from aone-man show to a staff of seven,which includes a sec-

best resultspossible. I couldn’tpractice at the level I am currently able towith- out theirhelp.” Collectively and individually, the firm has embraced their place in the Lexington community. They have host- ed a booth atKid’sDay that featured a balloon artist to entertain the children. Additionally, they have been platinum sponsors for the 2018Heartworm Proj- ect, a local charity that helps shelter animals receive needed medical care; sponsored the Tribe baseball team in Gilbert; and given regular donations to causes such as the Shriner’sHospital. Mr. Snell also serves on the Town of Lexington’s Board of Building Code Appeals and is on the eleventh Circuit Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee.He belongs to a number of other law-related entities andwas apre- viouspresidentof theLexingtonCoun- ty Bar Association. In his spare time, he has completed additional college courses, presented at national confer- ences about technical legal issues, and authored books including Challenging CDV, a publication about the defense of domestic violence cases, and South Carolina DUI Defense, The Law and Practice. Formore information, the firm can be reached by calling 888.301.6004, andotherdetailsabout thepracticeand the litigation theyhandle aredescribed on theirwebsite “Call now!” says Mr. Snell. “People feel betterwhen they know their situa- tion ishandled orbeing addressed.” n

The LawOffice of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC: Defending Your Rights At All Costs , ., LLC: ding Your Rights .

aheavy emphasisonDUI (drivingunder the influence),domesticviolence,and fel- onydefense inGeneralSessions.” “Ienjoy situationswherewe canmake a difference, and really feel good about the service we are providing,” says Mr. Snell. “A lot of people feel like they have been treatedunfairlyby thepoliceor the systembefore,and I like tobeable topro- vide themwith abetter experience.” Most of the time, Mr. Snell’s clients “are involuntarily thrust into thisworld,” he explains. “A lot of our clients arepeo- plewhodidn’tchoose tobeanybody’scli- ent.They found themselves inasituation, and they are really looking forhelp.” Harkeningback to thosegrocery-store days, the firm approaches all legal prob-

ond lawyer andhisownwife,Lee,who is thefirm’sbusinessmanager.Theyhave a satelliteoffice inColumbia, andMr.Snell recently relocated hismain practice to a newly constructed building at 123 Har- mon Street, across from theOldMill in theheartofLexington, “It really isagreatenvironment forour staff andour clients,” saysMr.Snell,who personally designed the facility so the staff canworkbehind the scenesuninter- rupted, while the clients privatelymeet with their representation in calm and classy surroundings such as the Louvre andOrsay conference rooms. “I’ve got a really great staff,” saysMr. Snell. “They are smart, dedicated, and really want to see our clients get the

“Everythingwe tell somebodywe do, wedo,” says JamesR.Snell, Jr., the found- erofTheLawOfficeof JamesR.Snell, Jr., LLC. This successful, thirteen-year-old practice, located at 123 Harmon Street, ismotivatedby a “sense ofurgency” that is appreciated by those they serve. “We measure success in satisfied clients,”Mr. Snell asserts, “andwedoverywell.” During his youth, the Snell family owned and operated grocery stores in Spartanburg, and that’s where a young Jamesdeveloped a strongwork ethic and a “sense of urgency”when dealingwith thepublic. After high school, he completed his Bachelor of Science degree at Limestone College in18months,whileworking full-

time, and then enrolled in theUniversi- ty of South Carolina’s School of Law. “I wanted something thatwould allowme to be entrepreneurial, but also intellectu- ally stimulating,” he explains. “Law has that, in addition to allowingme to really make adifference for clients.” While still in law school, he was of- fered a position as a part-time law clerk with local legal legend and formermay- or of the Town of Lexington, H. Hugh Rogers. His late aunt had worked for Mr. Rogers, who has been practicing law since 1965. “After being sworn in as a lawyeronNovember15,2004,”Mr. Snell recalls, “Mr.Rogersofferedme two weeksof free rent.” Becauseof its lower-than-averagenum-


28 | LEXINGTON LIFE | May2018

May 2018 | LEXINGTON LIFE | 29

It’s been a busy month here at The Law Office of James R. Snell Jr. At the end of April, we participated in the 18th Annual Kids’ Day of Lexington. It was a blast, and we’re honored to support such a worthy cause. The event’s goal is to “create a better community by educating and caring for families with love, honesty, and laughter.” It was our second year having a booth at the event. We brought along a balloon artist to whip up some crazy creations for the kids. For a more permanent souvenir, we printed some drawstring backpacks to give away. We thought 500 would be more than enough, but we clearly

4 The Law Office of James R. Snell Jr., LLC | P: 803-753-1476

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