Roz Marketing - September/October 2023


... continued from Cover

3. Restructure your pricing to ensure you’re charging what you’re worth. If you undervalue your service, you’ll spend a lot more time working. Think about it: A tax resolution client should pay at least $5,000. But my average client spent $8,700, and some of our members average close to $10,000 per case. By valuing your skill properly and employing accurate fees and pricing, you can make the same money, or more, with fewer clients. 4. Align your tasks with your vision for the future. This was the big one for me and Roslyn this year. In May, we went on a three- day Vision Driven retreat where we came up with a Vivid Vision plan for our personal and professional lives. Now, everything we do aligns with our vision of where we’d like to be in three years on Dec. 31, 2026. Instead of going to our vision, we’re acting from our vision. You can do the same thing, and if your vision involves spending more time with your family and less on your business, you can make that happen. Escaping the success trap can be challenging, but with these four strategies, you can create a thriving, lucrative business that takes less day- to-day work. Roslyn and I are on that journey now, and I know it will make our company even better. The Vision Driven retreat helped us refocus on the things that truly matter, like running a successful 2023 Virtual Tax Resolution Success Summit (if you attended, it was great to see you!) and planning the next steps for our Founder’s Mastermind group, including a two- day live event here in Los Angeles in 2024.

Congratulations to Platinum Mastermind member Randy Martin for the release of his new book, “IRS Problem Solving Secrets” and for having it hit No. 1 on the Amazon Best Sellers list! That’s something to be proud of! Also, another shout out for saving his client $288,365 by reducing the client’s IRS tax liability from $295,865 to $7,500! A round of applause goes to these Roz Strategies members: Jonathan Donenfeld , Timalyn Bowens , Deltrease Hart-Anderson , and Logan Allec for making it to the Top

10 of FeedSpot’s “20 Best IRS Podcasts Worth Listening To in 2023” list. It’s not an easy task to make it to a Top 10 list, and it’s amazing to see four Roz members on that list! Keep up the great work! High-five to Patrick Noone for correcting his clients’ IRS balance. Now, instead of his clients owing the IRS $66,000, they have zero balance due!

Kudos to Jesus Abikarram for speaking at the Latino Tax Fest.

Way to go, Tracie and Jerome Lowe , for closing $20,000 in sales in two days. Congrats to David Tudor for negotiating some great settlements for his clients recently, including obtaining a first-time penalty abatement for $880 for one client, releasing a levy and reaching an agreement that the IRS owes $10,000 plus interest for another client, and negotiating with the Chief Counsel to waive 50% of the late file penalty for a third client. Way to go, Deltrease Hart-Anderson , for being quoted as an expert in the Nasdaq online article, “These Are the Receipts to Keep for Doing Your Taxes.” Congratulations to Dionne Cheshier for winning the 2023 5-Star Professional Award in the August issue of Texas Monthly magazine!

If you’re interested in learning more about Founder’s Mastermind but didn’t sign up at the Success Summit, it’s not too late. Scan the QR code or contact John Israelian

(, 888.670.0303), and we’ll mail you an information package that tells you everything about the program. If you’re stuck in a tricky success trap, the extra lessons I teach there will help you get out. –Michael Rozbruch

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